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Hey yeah so! Been using this technique for a few things lately, so I wanted to make a tutorial!

It's great if you need to create certain complicated shapes, but don't know how to model them particularly cleanly.

Also- pretty happy with how this image (full res) turned out; it uses the technique a good bit. 


Powerful, Flexible, Sloppy modeling with Remesh Modifier



It is a pleasure to watch you model anything while you are talking about it. Useful technique.




Hey Ian, you could assign your own shortcuts to "increment" and "face project" snapping. Open the menu and right click on either and then select Assign Shortcut.


Thanks Hubert :)


Have you used the bevel shader node? I dont know if anyone has mentioned it or if youve used it very much but it is excellent for blending things like the windows you talked about. It doesn't effect geometry and is entirely shader based so it has its limits. It can be demanding resource-wise but I don't think it should be much of a problem for you.


I 3d print molds for casting ceramics and I use voxel remeshing a lot to add and subtract pretty complex shapes and I highly recommend checking out an addon called BlackMesh... its cheap, fast and amazingly useful for this kind of workflow.

Max Cahill

I've been doing a bunch of CAD work in blender recently instead of artistic stuff so this is a really nice break from that kind of precision haha


Ian! I've been trying to figure out Blenders built in Custom hotkeys especially since using Resolve the possibilities are endless. The more confusing part of Blender for me is figuring out the Context Attribute and Value names and not royally messing them up so I haven't tried this one yet. but, I found this here https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/57403/is-there-a-shortcut-to-change-snapping-type Also I use an Elgato Stream deck in tandem with longer shortcuts (ironic) so that way I can assign a longer chain of keys and have it be just one click of a button hope that helps


Maybe this is more simple than what you're asking but you know you can Shift select the snapping modes to have more than one on at the same time, right?


Hey Ian, great tutorial, I do something similar with my workflow but if you want to retain a decent low poly mesh you can use the multires modifier and shrinkwrap project to keep that high poly data stored in the multires modifier. My workflow is generally, model, remesh modifier, make a duplicate of the high poly, remesh again, apply, then add the multi res and shrinkwrap, apply the shrink wrap. This way I can turn off the modifiers as I need and keep the scene pretty optimised and still have decent topology to fall back on. Picked this up on Louis du Mont's YT channel, here, for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx835KV4aZg


Great video, Ian! If clean topology is an issue you can look into quadremesher instead of remesh mod.


U can also use corrective smooth modifier combined with remesh to have a better effect, doesn't work for all cases but removes the sculpting manual smooth for most