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Had an amazing time, and got two whole episodes filmed (mostly)! Thank you all of you!! Wanted to talk a while about what it was like, and what I think I learned from the experience for the future! 



0:00 - Intro 1:50 - Experience & Expectations 22:39 - What I learned



Excellent! Thanks for the insights Ian. Looking forward to seeing how this all comes out. Especially interested interested in what you add in post. Keep us “posted”. 🫣🙃


get yourself something like a zoom f8 that can record multiple tracks of audio from the same mic at different levels for safety that thing can be a huge lifesaver


When will you be making the in depth greenscreen video?


Wow, the lighting and camera movement are simply beautiful!


What kind of pricetag range is involved in 20-40 minutes of final edited-down footage doing what you did? Do you have ballpark prices for this sort of thing?


Ian, you've cleared up a ton of things for me. I've been on sets but never understood a lot of what was happening behind the scenes. As a zero budget CG guy, I've always wondered how to bridge the gap. Looking forward to more insight. Thank you.


I was literally just thinking about that 20 seconds ago! Very soon! Going to check with Nathan about something today, then I’m good to go!

Ian Letarte

My 2 cents: I recently invested in a zoom F3 audio recorder. It can record 32 bit float audio which is basically a fancy way to say you don't need to check levels. like, you literally can't clip. It was such a weigh off my mind for my most recent short film because I knew whoever was operating the boom(wife brother or sister) they could just focus on holding the mic in the right place and they didn't need to touch levels. So happy to hear it went well! Hyped to see more.


AH! That's a fantastic tip! Honestly there was a part of me always wondering "Why does stuff HAVE to clip?"- I want to look into that, thanks!


Big tip for editing with 32 bit audio is to not edit with it, but export it to a smaller file with the right levels, or into chunks if some parts are really loud and some parts really quiet to make use of as much range as possible.


Looking good man. I feel your pain on the not eating before shoots. I find shooting the worst bit of the process. Its when I'm most stressed out. And the toe stepping thing is something that kills me as well. Sounds like I hate filmmaking. Maybe I do. I like having a film though. :)


Or a 32-bit recorder. You basically can't fuck up recordings - pretty much anything can be salvaged!


This was so great. I teared up a little watching the beginning. I don't know you, obvi, but I'm so proud of you, Ian. Hearing the process, good and bad, really helps to understand the realities of all of this. You could talk about this for ages and I would happily watch. Anyway, I know there's so much going on for you and I hope you get time to rest. You're deeply appreciated.


When you have a big shoot I feel you are just executing a plan and it's difficult to deviate from the plan and be creative due to the amount of communication needed for a large group. The creativity takes place before the shoot. I also learned that relying on good people and long working relationships help helps allow you to be creative. We only have so much capacity in our brains in a day.


100% useful! I'm glad you got the chance to work with pro's! Can't wait to see the results and more involved shoots in the future!


Can I suggest that repetitive tutorials are ok because sometimes you explain things a little bit differently AND because we just love watching all of your stuff? Like this is my homepage, or it was on my other comp till it died.