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Ludicrously excited. We're doing a big shoot next week, filming two Dynamo Dream episodes in five days! Trying to see if we can do things faster without sacrificing details/worldbuilding/any of that.

Anyways- if you ever wanted to hear me talk a lot, here we go! 



We're doing a Big Shoot!



Hi Ian, I really appreciate you sharing your struggle, and how you are dealing with all these issues in your personal life. RIP cat :_(. I agree with other people's comments. I personally don't need to always see novel concepts, I learn something every time I see you doing mundane stuff like modeling a prop.


Hi Ian, thanks for sharing your story, hope you will recover from Caith’s separation soon. Missed you already at Bcon22 ;-) BTW, great video. It is good to have a vid on (the search for) concepts between all the how-to-recept-vid’s. And, until today, you have produced more patreon stuff then I am capabel to digest anyway. Take it easy, focus on your production and share your experiences.


Damn, don't cross the loss streams!!! Sorry for you losses Ian. Thanks again for sharing all that you know with us. We're all excited for what's in store!


I'm sorry for your losses, Ian; and I wish you the best on these coming endeavours. Godspeed.


Oh man. Never apologize for the hard times in your life. It’s weird. I don’t really know you at all, but in an odd way I’ve got that “I see you talking in front of me so we must be friends” thing that happens in the digital realm. So as a complete stranger/Digital friend… take care of yourself and express yourself however you need to. You don’t have to tell anyone anything ever, but don’t feel like you can’t either. I imagine that most people here are here for reasons beyond the simple shared interest in blender and filmmaking. We care about you Digital friend.

Alistair Benckenstein

Much love to you Ian, the parasocial empathy is strong today. I had a similar summer with two deaths very close to me, both within a month of each other - I very much can empathize with the weird cloud of bad stuff happening all at once - its a very strange feeling. That being said I'm glad you have all this creative work coming up! Always excited to see whatever you have to share, and I get wanting to only post new things but we've all learned our craft through doing the same things in different contexts and adapting what we learn to each new instance, so I think for people here its always interesting and enlightening. Take care of yourself man!

Phil South

Mate. <3 I'm old, I've had so many lives come and go in my long long life. That sense of sadness but excitement is a good sign. It means things are happening the way they should. Change is good, but it sucks emotionally and mentally if you're doing it right. People think that being in the right place and the right time doing the right things is all gravy, it should feel like the best time. In my considerable experience that's not true. Change for the better is painful, education and growth are painful. But there's no mistaking that feeling of everything falling into place so perfectly but taking half your head with it. Enjoy the shoot, enjoy your new chapter and may many glorious things come from it. Take care.


Good luck for the shoot, and just remember for everything that goes wrong, thats one more interesting anecdote you can laugh about later. All my favourite moments on set are the moments when everything goes tits up. Frustrating at the time, but an excellent story in hind sight, Your gonna do great! Give my love to nathan, I was sad I Only managed a quick hello with him this bcon, as I had to fly home early.


Glad to see you braking out from your comfort zone. You know what they say, "If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you're always gotten." cheers


hey.. how can I join to lan discord server please


Just watched the video. Sorry for your losses Ian. Close or far, the effect is very real. Sounds like you're keeping busy which can help, but don't overdo it, especially on our account, we're here for you and your particular brand of creativity. Stay well.


Just catching up (I save your posts to watch/listen to whilst working), I'm so sorry to hear about your relationship and cat double whammy. How sad. Glad you're staying positive.