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Graffiti's a great way to add a layer of humanity on top of something- in this video we talk about how to set up a custom brush and paint your own, and also use pre-made alpha-channeled stuff!

-Cause you remember how Teague Chrystie made the Huberfish font last month? WELL WELL WELL, I mentioned how much I was enjoying the spray-paint font for adding graffiti, and he just sent me a ludicrous collection of hand-painted pre-keyed graffiti, and it's amazing. 

HOT DAMN. This is such a treasure. He literally painted this stuff:

So cool. Bonkers incredible thanks to Teague :D

If any of you would like to use it for anything:

Oh also here's the spray brush:

I'm very excited to put this on stuff. Also I think I want to make a little animated spray-painting dude tonight, if possible. But first! Food! 

4kish Version

4kish Version 


Putting Graffiti on Stuff


Dr sponge

So cool i was just wondering how I'd put graffiti on stuff earlier today thank ya sir


very cool!

Kai Christensen

Loved this! Teague is the bomb-diggity, all hail Teague! That skull wound up looking amazing, I really like how it turned out with all the layers and stuff. Actually, I was wondering if it could be cool to make a second UV map for just the graffiti so you could do multiple painted texture images layered on top of each other, and then blend them together in the shader with a noise texture masked by *another* painted layer so that basically in the end you'd be able to manually control how much certain areas of pain have weathered over time and exposed other paint underneath! Sorry for the unintelligible word soup lol


that brush man! sweet!


Absolutely great! One thing I would add is that a lot of taggers or graff artists block out, literally make a huge border around their work over someone else's one in a flat colour, this is how you get a kaleidoscope / collage'd colour effect all over the wall, which brings some pieces to the foreground, and creates some depth and aesthetic. That's what I have noticed in nature. Just a thought.


AHHHHH- That's a great observation (I've actually had a nagging feeling like I should have dove into the culture a bit more instead of just going, "yeah! Paint on walls!" That'd be a great way to mix the hand-painted bits with the pre-made alphad stuff, too. Thanks, Dan!


YES! I had this feeling like I was forgetting something, and that's it; yeah in a lot of cases it makes sense to make a specific UV map just for the graffiti layer. The weathering can add a lot, too. I've been using the "erase alpha" setting in the texture paint to kinda do a quick-n-dirty wear pattern on corners and stuff, but even using the values of the texture underneath (like, with a brick wall or something) can make things look super integrated. Teague is ABSOLUTELY the bomb-diggity!!!!


Is that the concrete structure biz at Chambers Bay?


This is amazing! And I don't know how you do that, but lately every tutorial you post helps me with a specific problem I ran into the night before. Your texture paint tips could not have come at a better time! Thanks!


Thanx for that! I'm wandering how to pain on the glass?


I don’t know what I like most about this video, Ian getting all excited, learning another cool skill in Blender or the music. Another great vid. 😁

Tolga Katas

truly appreciate you, keep 'em coming!


Cool, cool, cool and we can add wear and tear to the graffiti with a noise tex mix or would each piece of graffiti have to be on it's own layer ?


I'd say putting the paint in a separate shader in the material (diffuse or principled) then use a Mix Shader node instead of Mix RGB

Phil South

There's a real Simon Stålenhag feel to what you do, Ian, and it's only really struck me now that's what it is. As artists I think you crave the same atmosphere, familiar vistas shot through with unfamiliar or discordant details. Surreal and yet readable. You and he are ploughing parallel yet separate furrows in adjacent fields. :D


Imagine if there are any graffiti artist in this patreon that will start doing their own Huberfish graffiti designs. That would be so fun


Great stuff! Thanks Ian... You're right the texture painting is very unintuitive. Why is that do you think? I mean they've improved so much of Blender in the last 3 years, why do you think this is not changed a great deal?


amazing Ian !. I can think of many models where to apply this technique. Thank you so much. A different question, I love the sky hdri you used in the example scene. Could you share the link please? I would be very grateful💜


great tutorial (as always!!!) :) and like dario, i'm really curious, how you achieve these moody, hazy atmospheric backgrounds / lightsettings lately. really looking forward to that "volume-tutorial" (is it all HDRI or do you use blender's build in "nishita-sun-plugin"?) thanks for all the inspiring input!!!


Great infos so exiting, thanks a lot !


I believe he's mostly using HDRI's mixed with a volume scatter cube. In his concrete asset video, I believe it was, he did a timelapse of a scene like this. In that case he used the "The sky is on fire" HDRI from Polyhaven, mixed with an orange volume scatter cube.

Blaek Creative

Gotta ask, did some graffitis. Saved the project and next time opened the project and all of the graffitis are gone?


Did you save the image in Blender which you had all of your grafitti on? Blender doesn't save changes to images by default.


Very nice. I may have to add some of this to my slowly coming together animation scene.


Sorry for the noob question but how could you make an emissive graffiti ? Would love to see some neon Graffiti sprayed on Avatar style environments with the modern influence


You can just plug in the image texture of the keyed graffiti into a Emission node in the shader editor and that should be it :) (Adding in bloom on top will also help give that neon feel)


You should be able to do it with some sort of noise tex mix! Maybe also revisit Ian's vintage painted ghost sign tutorial for some tips on that kind of wear and tear


Have you posted anywhere about environment lighting? It’s something I struggle with and I haven’t found any inspiring tutorials.


Nvm! I found your tutorial about making Eevee look like Cycles!


Thanks! I'm already finding uses for these! You can even use them in non-alien settings as long as they aren't the focus of the shot. Great way to add that extra touch of life to a scene! By the way, what is the graffiti licenced under and should I be giving credit whenever it use them?


Wow you're releasing these? for free? Thats so nice of you!! They're such high quality. Suggestion for uploading brushes: PNG24 its cleaner than a jpg, but much lighter on file size than a raw, it also supports transparency gradient.


This stuff is so gooood! lol Is that Nico's scan looking up at the skull?


SO FUNNYYYYYY AJAJAJAJJAJ, best 16 min of my day