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Woo! Some of this I touched on before (over a year ago?), but never about this specifically. This is one of the more useful things I've learned in the past year: how to select from various image textures "randomly". I used it a bunch on the "Self Generating Car" asset :) I also used it on the random generated Shipping Containers, and the Room Generator. Oh and pieces of it in the Can Generator.  

It's POSSIBLE to do it without mucking around with the color ramp node, but I think this is probably the easiest way to understand it? It is for me, anyway. Also I forget how to do it the other way. 



Woo! Some of this I touched on before (over a year ago?), but never about this specifically. This is one of the more useful things I've learned in the past year: how to select from various image textures "randomly". I used it a bunch on the "Self Generating Car" asset :) I also used it on the random generated Shipping Containers, and the Room Generator. Oh and pieces of it in the Can Generator. It's POSSIBLE to do it without mucking around with the color ramp node, but I think this is probably the easiest way to understand it? It is for me, anyway. Also I forget how to do it the other way.



Ian i love you man but its 4am!!!!!


Caleb you should sleep!!! I promise I will probably not delete the video before you wake up.


I'm at work (very different time zone since I'm in Sweden) and now I look forward to my lunch break when I can watch. :) Vaguely related question and I totally understand that you are super busy but have you thought more about the movie idea with sounds only, recorded from different parts of the world?

Kai Christensen

I was just thinking to myself earlier today "Wow, it would make my day if Ian posted on his Patreon again..." and lo and behold! Thanks for always making such useful stuff dude, my membership here is the best money I've ever spent.


Man i Just woke up and this is the first thing i saw, best wake everrrr <3<3<3<3


Surreal feeling watching the pin drop four streets away from where I live in Barcelona. For the last weeks I've been building a storefront texture library. It would be so cool to have everyone share a few of theirs, I'm game.


4 streets away?? That's wild! Also! Man yeah we should figure out a good way to organize that; a huger collection of international storefronts would be a GREAT resource.


YES! With just the black?? I still have it!! I sort of got obsessed with finishing up the Dynamo episode, but now that it's in sound I should definitely jump over and finish that up! I almost forgot about it, thanks for the reminder :D

Kai Christensen

I'm losing it at that Google Maps love story, that was comedy gold.


Hell yeah! I was playing around with this and having issues with that diagonal sameness issue. The white noise trick saved me

Kai Christensen

Using the white noise node makes *so* many more things possible. I'm excited to start integrating more random shaders into my workflow!! Lots of potential.




Dog Dog Goose! hahah And love the part where you Sweded Sliding Doors with the tragic story of the twins


Hi Ian! I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I'm a film person who used to do practical SPFX (I actually had a visual fx background) most notably worked on the Breaking Bad series and the first 3 of BCS. I just recently worked for about three years for Meow Wolf helping design and fabricate most of the new Vegas installation and the Denver installation opening soon. These days I make props for films here in New Mexico. I'm gearing towards the whole virtual production thing lately. I just wanted to say that watching your tutorials has been more than helpful in learning blender (I wish I picked it up years ago, I went with Lightwave which didn't get upgrades for like 3 + years) Blender has been a little tough for me but once you get 'over the hump' it has become everything I've ever wanted in a 3d program and more! Thanks for all your help and info on unraveling this techno wizardry, I would still be years behind if I hadn't started watching your tuts!


new patron here, loved your speech @ the blender conf. big fan)) switched to blend from c4d, still hoping that they will add some more mograph... but nevertheless, thanks for your tuts, changed my opinion bout blender after watching you lazy tuts... now blend is my main driver) trying to convert all my 3ds max/maya friends, and its working wonders)))


I'm afraid I don't know, there aren't that many of us. My Mom did one of those lineage things, I wonder if it would show? Probably somewhere down the road...


Best Patreon EVER !


Ian, been watching your tutorials and post since the last year and never posted a comment. Im agree with all the patreons here, this is the best patreon you can get. Im learning a lot with every post and THIS ONE is the one ive been waiting for. Thanks Ian, your way to share knowledge it is unique and very enjoyable.


Google Earth as a dating app, huh that's a new one. *scribbles it down


Another great video, Ian. I follow some folks here on patreon and I gotta say, your quality of content is very high. Great editing, great explanations etc. Keep up the good work, I might not always use your techniques but its good to know of them and I enjoy watching your videos. Happy easter!


After watching this, I was thinking that there's gotta be a better way than having to manually divide up the ColorRamp. With a bit of poking around It looks like using a Math node set to Snap achieves the same result! You just plug the Random in to the Value and in the Increment, you input "1/X" (x being the number of divisions.) Maybe someone might have a better way or a reason why this isn't actually the best but it did seem, at least visually, to evenly distribute things! Edit: A quick example in case my words have failed me... https://imgur.com/gmk3hYw


Oh hey!!! That's VERY cool! :D Thanks for sharing that! That makes a lot of sense. I bounced this off Simon Thommes last year (he's absolutely amazing with nodes), and he showed me this setup, which only necessitates putting in the number of rows or columns- I just didn't actually specifically understand what it was doing enough to explain it?? Seems cleaner, though. And your way seems quick to set up AND easy to understand :) (his setup:) http://robotsoup.com/patreon/RandomNodes.jpg Took me the longest time to realize that the offset I needed was % of total image dimensions, and not, like, an actual "amount of offset" in pixels or whatever.


Hi Ian, you mentioned not being sure the ColorRamp position could be animated. Turns out you can! Just add the expression #frame/1000 into the position field and watch how it slowly slides it's way over to the right.


Awesome video as always! I noticed that you use 4d for white noise - using 1d and plugging into the W will be identical, since in Random is only outputting one value. The rest are not being used. Using 4d might actually be less random as it uses vector and w as inputs and there's nothing in W so the input is always 0.


we'll always have Paris. :)


"And if it isn't, believing that it does hasn't harmed yet" is my approach to life.


Oooo! Thanks for that!!! I was using the unused W input to give it my own random seed value- is that not necessary, do you think?


Oh hey what?? You can add an expression there? HAH- thanks for that! :D


Subtitle bahasa Indonesia aktif? Please


Need help! This gave me the idea to make floor-generated buildings. I am currently stuck in trying to make individual faces randomised instead of the whole mesh... Any ideas on how to do this?


Okay, so i've been doing some digging, and what i want to accomplish just doesn't seem to be possible.. Atleast not with this method. The thing is, i want to be able to create stuff randomly like this and like the room generator that were made available on the patreon a while ago. My problem is - making a building while generating one store at a time is fine enough - right untill i get to the point of making it into a building. I end up with a building in 160 pieces for the rooms. I really want to join them together - but as soon as i do that, everything becomes the same, because we are using the Object Info.. I really cant find any alternative for this - but i hoped you (either Ian or any of you fellow patreons) had an idea for a workaround on this matter? Thanks for taking the time.


Ah yeah! I know what you mean. The best thought I have now is using "Random Per Island"- although sometimes that can introduce new problems (AND only works in cycles, at the moment :/ ) Basically treats each unconnected section of mesh as its own object. https://b3d.interplanety.org/en/random-per-island-2/ Maybe that helps though??


use mapping range node, set to stepped linear, instead of the colour ramp thing you are doing


Thank you father


That did the itrick! So now i got one self-randomizing building and i will be working on more! In no time i will have a self creating city haha .D


Ahhh, nothing like a romantic walk from Barcelona to Paris while learning how to assign random textures. Fried Gold.


Ian, I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for your work. You've been changed my life!


A question about one of your earlier videos (Animating Environments with Depth Maps - Lazy Tutorials) How do you take a depth map picture in blender of your entire environment without changing every damn material?


It's one of the default render passes! Depth is aliased (choppy edges) and covers the full range of your scene, Mist is anti-aliased (better match to your color pass) and goes 0-1 across the range you set in the World settings.


Jaja, The Buenos Aires Part of the love story got me... my town.


Ah yeah thanks Carter!! It can be a weirdly convoluted process, though- I talk about it starting around a minute in in this video: https://youtu.be/b6sGiOUuiyA


Exactly. Out of unknown reasons the colour ramp method did not work for me with a setup of 10 square images, all triple checked. Should be easy, right? 0.1 steps. The map range node together with random object info input and plugged in Value (with clamp checked) did the job...
