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Not covering all that much new in this one (the idea's exactly what it looks, "clean up a photoscan and give it a marbley texture"), but it's so fun I had to make a video about it!

Also, as I mention in the video, if you don't want to go the photoscan route, you can always just download statues; there are tons of resources out there for downloading pre-existing real-world ones. This is one of the first resources I found, just blind googling. I'm not sure if they're all CC0, but enough of them are, and it tells you if you click on them. Sketchfab also has their great Heritage Collection, with a TON of rad stuff.

I'll be uploading all this stuff to the tier 7 folks once I get the project file all cleaned up :) 


Making Statues



Great job Ian!


Ah yes, good old alien Italy


ian I'd love to see more of your compositing! you can do more of an advance tutorial in after effects to make renders look more real! Also what are your thoughts about other render engines like unreal or octane? Have you tried them or do you mainly use cycles and eevee? Thanks!


Another excellent video :). You said you have a 4th button linked to select all attached? I'm on an iMac but I've been considering getting a proper mouse for blender, what would you recommend?


As someone slightly intimidated by After Effects i have to say I'd love to see him touch on it more.


It would look like with a little scripting Blender could be a photometry solution as well. Tracking points to mesh and that sort of thing.


ahh!!! this is amazing, looks so realistic!!!


Thanks for sharing-This piece will look lovely when 3D printed in plaster or Nylon SLS.


You should look into the method for re-topo-ing stuff l like this, it's actually pretty easy, just use the remesh and shrinkwrap that back to the original model.


Could be kinda cool to rig them and change the poses slightly for even more variation and flexibility


I feel like this should be your wedding cake topper


That's true! I actually meant to put that in the tut, but the sculpting tools HAVE a "re-posing" brush, which basically "intelligently" gives you basic IK controls so you can easily drag limbs around! Super great for stuff like this. So far I've mostly used it for hands and such, but adding more variety to the statues would be a great idea, yeah!


love this image texture into the bump map trick, feels like you're shortcutting the baking normals workflow completely with something more true to the actual texturing anyway


How much time is needed for calculation by Reality Capture to process one of the statues? I am just trying out the Meshroom and it takes a lot. What is your usual practice. Do you leave it overnight?


I recently checked out 3DF Zephyr. They have an option to import videos. It makes a jpg sequence automatically. the free version goes up to 50 images. The lite version 150 I think. Its way faster than meshroom, and I think the results are a bit better.


Ooo- I haven't played with 3DF Zephyr yet. RealityCapture is WAY faster than meshroom, though. I was basically able to process all 9 of those scans over the course of watching a movie.


Hi Ian. Recommend you to try 3DF Zephyr. Even free version has very useful features and fast.