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Just a quick upload of the merchants from that shot I was posting the other day (Download Below)

They're maybe a bit specific to be particularly useful, but I know I'll be raiding it a bunch in the future for small little parts to put on shelves and such, even if not the merchants themselves.  They're a kind of interesting aesthetic. On one hand, I'm not the biggest fan of this sort of photoscan, since they're just kinda messy, but at the same time, when the light hits them right, there's this texture and organic randomness that's friggin' hard to get with CG.

ALSO- I should write this up more officially, but if I post something here as an asset, you can totally use it for any project, commercial or otherwise. Ideally you're not just giving away the assets themselves (though if you wanna hook a buddy up, we've all been there). But yeah! Go nuts!

And again, thanks again to Nate Taylor for spending a Saturday going nuts building all these little photoscannable vignettes with me! 

DOWNLOAD (right click, save as):
Blend File
FBXs (It's all there, but textures aren't quite as polished as in the blend file :/ ) 

Also, one thing that tickles me a bit was how easy it was to rig these guys up, using IK and other methods. For this one scan, Nate rested his hand on a pole for stability, and we were able to isolate it and rig it up in like literally a minute.  For other ones, it was as easy as slipping a skeleton in there, parenting with automatic weights, then adding a noise modifier to a couple of the bones to make them feel alive.

*Caveat regarding packed textures (and the occasional sub-asset):  everything I'm distributing is (as far as I know**) above board, but the licensing for textures I didn't take myself tend to be fairly explicit about not distributing the textures independently (aka, not bundled with a model). So. Just wanted to throw that out there.

**creative commons/public domain/usage can be a finnicky field***.

***My old rule of thumb was, "ehhhh, who's gonna notice", but since I've been releasing the projects to you guys, I've had to step up a bit :P.   



Hey, Necroing this comment section to ask if anybody has good methods for adding these characters/their props to the Asset Browser in Blender?


this asset showing error while download. unable to download hyperbowl,


These are incredible! Thanks so much, Ian!




Awesome! Thank you!


Amazing! If I understood correctly you used photogrammetry for the characters, what software did you use to generate the 3d models based on your pictures?


Yeah! I've been using Reality Capture, which costs a bit (it charges you based on the amount of data you put in- usually each scan is a couple bucks), but I like it because it tends to be darn fast compared to alternatives. Meshroom is rad and free, but can take longer.


Hi Ian! Does depth information in your scans influence the results? For instance - Would it be ok to do these scans on a 100% green screen or white cyc - or would adding tracking markers help the scan?


This is absolutely amazing Ian


These are great! You're a legend


Thank you very much!


This is so coool. Also happy Halloween everyone!!!


Thank you


You're too good to us, Thank you Ian.


Thank you so much! These are great =)






many many thanksssss


Awesome! I had totally assumed Book Guy was the one live action element in that TERD shot you showed us, with everything else built around him, but wow, now I see he was CG too?! There's definitely something to that scan, even in these sample solo renders, that gives it more grit than the rest—I think maybe it's the texture in the clothes and shawl, plus the careful hiding of elements that often trip up scans, like hands and hair?—I dunno, it just really pops off the screen.


I totally agree! He looks inordinately realistic. I went back and watched the footage to see if maybe he was scanned differently (cause I'd love to be able to replicate those results!), and while I definitely got a BIT closer to his face than usual, I think you're right that the textures just really benefit the quality of the scans. ALSO it's a really stable position, so there's probably very little wiggle. I usually down-res my footage and only use every 5th frame or so from the scanning footage I shoot; I should do a full test, just dumping the entire shot in there, full res. It'd definitely be expensive, but I'm really curious how different the results would be from my low-data-rate version (Reality Capture charges you by amount of data you feed into it, so I usually downscale stuff till it only costs a couple bucks).


That is extremely cool!