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This isn't a tutorial because I don't really have any idea what I'm doing, and yet, I'm documenting it anyways.

This is just something I've wanted to do for a few years. I feel a little bad starting this project when I have so many others I need to wrap up (HyperBole, so I can wrap up Dynamo Dream), but alsoooo sometimes you gotta follow your interests. In my head, this is all going to go really quick, but I imagine there are a few parts that might become a bit of a time hole.

The biggest things I want to get out of this project are 1.) a re-familiarity with these tools and 2.) the confidence to know I can use them without it necessarily being a huge time investment. A lot of this stuff is more or less plug-and-play once you know the basics, so if nothing else that's all I'm really trying to learn.  Oh and 3.) A robot theater. 


Robot Theater 4



This reminds me of that scene in home alone when he puts the cardboard cutouts on motors to make the burglars think nobody’s home... but even more advanced. ...H-Have you considered creating a home security system? Also this is so coool


Ahahahaha, yeah this definitely has Kevin McCallister vibes. Actually, I'm bumping pretty heavily into the animation potential of, "one point of rotation at the base of the feet". There's only so many times you can have someone lean in conspiratorially or lean back in shock (or IS there?)- my limit for this was going to be like 6 servos, so maybe I add a couple more for additional dexterity? It's really easy to make the models more complex in blender, but I'm a little worried once I get everything out into RealSpace things may not play quite as nice.


Duuude... I tried to make like this exact thing when I was 10 or 12! I had little motors that slowly lowered cardboard text boxes for each character (I made a big switchboard to control everything live because no arduino) but I ultimately abandoned the project because it was way to complicated for me at that age. But this video just scratched an itch I’d forgotten I had. So thanks!


Ian I like this “I’ll just post it” mentality! It’s so entertaining to see what you think about on a regular basis😂😂 plus it’s educational for all of us too!


Oh man I LOVE the idea of motorized speech bubbles!!* Dude arduino is 10000% my inner child's dream. I wish they'd been around when I was a kid so I could have tried to learn coding with a slightly more plastic brain, haha! *Also we should totally build one in real life. No more talking, just say anything within a variety of 5 speech bubbles.


Holy shit, fuck...oh wait...am I allowed to cuss? Fuck it. I really shouldn't be drinking high gravity beer when watching Ian vids...This is craziness...and awesome...it's awesome craziness....I wish I could be 1/10 as entertaining in my YouTube videos...Thanks man.


Woo! That's great to hear!! I have a few videos like this that I've been recording over the past few weeks, and I wasn't sure how interested folks would be if something wasn't just a proper tutorial.


Ahaha! I was pretty drunk while making a good chunk of this video so I think it all works out.


Perhaps I need to try that. Thanks again for the neon lights. I'm working on a new channel logo video with them. Next I'm learning booleans so I can make one explode.


Haha! I swear I thought this was going to turn into animating crowds for the HyperBowl! Just like the little Q-tip audience in the Speeder race of Phantom Menace


I always wanted to make a type of diorama with a robot arm or 2 grabbing things hanging on the side of a stage (little bigger than yours but so similar) and then moving them around kinda like a puppet show. I never had a good reason to make it but now I can vicariously live through you making something way better. Bravo!


Make sure to hook up some kind of fake blood squirting device (I'm assuming the sword will hit *someone*, right?). That way the whole thing gets messier and messier and messier every time someone watches it, devolving into a nightmare of blood.

Phil South

That is so messed up and yet so brilliant at the same time. Genius.

Phil South

Ian . . . I never knew I needed to make stuff with servos that flip bits of wood back and forth but seeing you talking while those things flipped brainlessly to and fro made me realise it's something I need in my life :D


Oh man that Q-Tip trick was genius!!! I also love that so many of us have the Episode 1 BTS as a shared experience, hahaha


Personally, I'm into anything where you show your mental progress. Tutorials are great but very specific. Understanding the mindset is sometimes as useful, or even more :)


thinking out loud here, why not make a programable LED display board in the shape of a thought bubble, and have the Arduino motor lower it into position, this way you could have a full-on conversation and not be limited?


cool stuff...just saying...


love this, I feel the awesome random project learning experience energy!


Haha I dig the hybrid tutorial/vlog thing. It feels very liberated