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[edit: cleaned up a bunch of the models since upload (weird little geometry bumps and such). Super easy to do with the sculpt tool!]

Woooo! You guys would not believe how much time I've spent on this over the last 6 months. I'm excited :D  

It took a ton of trial and error (so so so many wrong turns) but I finally have the workflow figured out, and I can actually generate these pretty quick now.  

The video explains how to hook them up with animation data. I'm uploading one pack I made with the Rokoko Smartsuit here (random people in a cafe), but I want to release a bunch more packs here, and more characters (ideally less wacky folks, though there are some generic ones in here, too).  

A lot of the wilder costumes are mix-and-matched from the Prospect bins, with props designed by Matt Acosta.

Thanks to Sam Lazarus, Sean Farbolin, Nate Taylor, Selena Annis, and Johnny Valencia for being such accommodating models!  I'm sorry there isn't more variety in race/gender; the pandemic has limited my options a bit! 

All of these guys are as low-poly/texture as I could make them without stuff getting too crunchy. I really wanted to be able to have a bunch of them animated in a scene without stuff slowing down. 

Right click, save as:

Cafe Moca Data

Blend File of Characters

FBX files of characters

Anyways! Yes! I hope these guys are useful! Next batch will have a slightly more uniform white balance, hahaha


Photoscanned Cyberpeople



this asset showing error while download.


Coolest thing ever, just got my rokoko suit THANKS TO MUCH IAN!@!!!!!!!!!!


Perfect timing! Thank you so much!


These are amazing! Thanks for all of your assets that you put out! I swear you are the Lord of photoscan!


Oh sweet!!! Yeah if you export as an FBX, Binary, FBX201600, with a Mixamo skeleton, it should sync right up!


Ah you're welcome! Yeah it's been crazy seeing what this tech is capable of! I'm seriously antsy to see what the next generation of it looks like (maybe with AI cleanup and stuff like that?) I'm a little antsy to get back to more scratch-modeled stuff, though, too.

Patrick Lever

Bbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrooooooo this is AWESOME THANK YOU 🤩🙏🏾😀🙏🏾😀🙏🏾👍🏾👍🏾 SO MUCH


THIS IS SO COOL! I swear I will put you in every concept piece with characters that I do for 1 year. at least. And I'll adopt this workflow as soon as possible. Finally, free from the standard 'guy in a suit'.. :)


Woooooo! :D That's awesome! Although honestly it's been killing me I don't have at least ONE "guy in a suit" yet, hahaha (flat black is particularly tricky to photoscan).


This is insane! Thank you so much, Ian! Can't wait to bring some more life into my scenes with these characters


These are awesome! Thanks Ian, The Mocap data is gonna be a god-send. Really addeds some real weight to the characters, Blinding work!




Awesome!! Haha That much be so much fun to see yourself animated with mocap like this! I tried to link an animation downloaded from Mixamo, but it created a monster haha


Heads up, you're gonna be gazing up at lots of concepty landscapes in my pieces going forward. You are a beast, dude! Thank you so much for all your asset drops


You're a mad man! This is soo cool, thanks for sharing Ian :D


This rules. Thanks!!


The characters are wonderful. According to you, you use Capture Reality to make the photoscans, have you tried to use other software like Meshroom or Agisoft? I guess you'll have to spend a good time taking pictures of the characters, tell me, how do you get them not to move, because I understand that if they move during the photo session, it affects the quality of the model I know you made a post about how you photoscan people, but I have so many doubts that it's not enough


In an earlier video posted here, he showed us a photoscan with Meshroom and Reality Capture. He made the model stand with hands on a tripod in a T pose so the person wouldn't move. Other than that its really up to the person to hold movement for a couple of minutes. Meshroom gave questionable results but RC is obviously better. I think you'll find this and more in that earlier video.


I might be mistaken, but would you be Karthik from the Broke Artists Collective?


omg amazing thank you !


THANK YOU! These are literally the extras I have been looking for. The wardrobe totally fits in with the green screen foreground characters I shot last year. I'll tag you in some post.


Wow, this is great. Sadly my cafe is populated with giant insects, but, this is a good start!


AMAZING!! Thank you for sharing these models so generously Ian, it's truly been truly amazing joining this patreon. Thank you again.


Thank you!! This is so cool! :)


What a great day. I get my computer back today and I get these. Wooo


Thanks so much, I can make some virtual friends now, easily :D btw, be careful on your hikes, don't trust the delicious berries!


awesome, thanks Ian :D!

Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey

Ah incredible!! Thank you Ian! Totally understand if not, would it be alright to use these for Previz for clients? Before doing final volumetric captures we tend to use Mixamo characters for storyboarding/blocking, and these would be a great improvement... Again, totally cool if not, stoked to play around with them regardless!


Hey Ian, if we wanted to use our own mocap data, which rig should we export using from the Smartsuit tool?


Awww Yissss! Will they also go inside Unreal Engine if one wanted to?


If you export as an FBX, Binary, FBX201600, with a Mixamo skeleton, it should sync right up! :D


Ooo... In theory! I haven't really used unreal. Let me know if it works if you try it!!


Man best value for 7 dollars here. Love it


thats sick


Hey Ian, That's awesome ! Bold move to include yourself in the scans, I must warn you that in the past hour you just : - bolted some stuff on a giant burger - drank coffee in a rusty coffee place (remember the super dope videowall thing ? ;)) - did a "Dance master" signature move in a middle of a pile of debris - casually fried coffee beans in a middle of a fight between a robot samurai and a giant crab. BUT ! Being a man of simple tastes, I really wanted you to do a mixamo breakdance freeze var 2 next. And here unfortunately my rigging skills show their limits : I'm not sure to fully understand how or why mixamo actions seem incompatible with your rigs ? Is this because bones should be named identically, is this how blender manages to match the different bones ? I managed to import the model to mixamo though, but I lost the textures and I would largely prefer to do the reverse and import the animation from mixamo in blender ;)


This is fantastic. I can't believe you're just letting us have it when you could put it on Blender Market for $50 a pop! There's obviously a lot of time been put into this. Thanks a lot!


It's because everything is incompatible with everything! Hahaha, it's- oh man. I bashed my head against so many walls. Yeah ideally you have all the bones the same name (name and orientation), or you use a clever retargeting utility, which I ALSO wasn't able to really get to work... THAT SAID! There's a cool free addon coming out tomorrow (or today?) that I was just able to try out, and it worked INSTANTLY- I'll let you know as soon as it's officially released! I was able to dump mixamo animations on these guys no problem :D Also! Mixamo doesn't seem to let you upload the textures, BUT it keeps the UV data, so you can super easily link it back up once you download it again (ALTHOUGH- delete the normal map it auto-generates in the shader editor, since it makes everything lag like CRAZY). But yeah! Hopefully this'll all be fixed like SUPER quick here :D


I did the same thing, it was hilarious! Sure would like to know how to do it or is it even possible...?


This is incredible. Do you plan on doing a tutorial on the process?


That's awesome! Do you think that it's possible to have a good result using Meshroom?


Hey Ian, thanks for the assets! I tried to apply a mixamo animation on one of your character with the action editor. All my keys apply on the character but when i press play nothing is moving. The mixamo rig I imported is moving. Someone on your discord has the same problem and we can't seem to find a fix. Any idea? Also, I joined your patreon a few days ago and I have been binge watching all of your posts. Best 7 bucks I have ever spend! Thank you!


Hi, Thanks, WOW! I don't even know what to do with this yet, but I know it will be killer!! Could we get a few good hippies in there? Thinking about modeling a jamband scene and need to populate it with an army of hippies. :-) peace!


Thanks - video also super helpful on how to inject a few mixamo movements to bring those chars to life!


AHH! I have a hippy that we scanned, but it didn't turn out all that great- I'll see if I can polish it up, hahaha


So retargeting mocap-to-rig is one of the biggest nightmares I've ever seen in blender (usually because scaling throws everything off)- BUT there's a free tool coming out tomorrow that actually worked for me- I'll be making a video about it in the next couple days! I'm super excited.


And thanks, and yeah!! I made one a while back, but I've learned a bunch since then (especially in regards to cleaning up the models), so I'm going to make an updated one!


So retargeting mocap-to-rig is one of the biggest nightmares I've ever seen in blender (usually because scaling throws everything off)- I literally spent days and days and days trying to get the whole mixamo thing working- BUT there's a free tool coming out tomorrow that actually worked for me- I'll be making a video about it in the next couple days! I'm super excited. And ah! THanks for being here! Yeah I gotta jump over on the discord super quick here!


It's the road company of "Rent!"


Thank you my dude!


Hey Ian! These are going to be so useful for a superhero parody that I’m working on! Also, any chance you have any photo scans lying around of guys in lab coats? Y’know, for evil villain laboratories and such.


I've been a fan of your work for a while and I've just joined the Patreon. And I'm so glad I did! So much cool stuff and techniques. Everyone in the comments are following up with cool ideas and supportive takes on everything too. I have a project that needs some low poly, funky personality crowd scenes and every one of your scanned and rigged characters looks like their cheese has slid of their crackers, in the best possible way! I can't wait to use them!


I agree Mike, it's so great to be here! Don't forget to tell the world about this. Let's get Ian to 10k Patreons!.. So he can finance his own filmstudio. Crab mechs everywhere.. Greebles for all!..


I must be having one of those days...is there any tutorial on how to open these files and see any animation? I can see the rigging and all of that, but I had hoped there was an animation with each character. Or did I misunderstand?


all of ian's assets released on here are CC0, i think you're allowed to use them as long as you don't distribute them


Yeah Ian confirmed that unless he said not to in his posts that you can use them.

Nicolas Spitalier

i can´t make it work... i follow the exact same steps but the character rig doesn´t follow the fbx animation


Is there anyway to do this with mixamo animations?


I think so! You'd probably need to use a retargeting utility to get the motion data to all match up nice, though (unless the rig names match EXACTLY, which isn't all that common). Personally I use the retargeting utility in the rokoko addon (linked below: it's quick and free, but does necessitate creating a rokoko account)- but there could be better options out there. https://github.com/Rokoko/rokoko-studio-live-blender