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So after a particularly aggressive bout of social distancing, Kaitlin and I finally hung out with some friends for a weekend. It felt great! Nate and Selena have been good friends for a while now (I've known Nate since 2008 or something??), and we've worked on a ton of stuff together (going back to Project London days).

First we had to play around with photoscans- slowly figuring things out!
Photoscan discoveries from the weekend:
1.) Shooting HD video is a great way to go about it. I think the photoscan software (RealityCapture at any rate) uses the previous/next frames as context to help figure out where the camera is, so having consistent movement helps give better results than just walking around taking random snapshots. Video is a great way to make sure you get then (only using every 4th frame or so). It's also a lot faster- just trickier to keep in focus.
2.) Nate's idea (most all of these are Nate's ideas, actually) to scan a small library of hands individually and just stick em on the end. Most full body scans end up with wonky hands, and it slows down the whole scan regardless. Being able to just kind of skim over them and stick on good hands later works great.
3.) Typically I do all my photoscans outdoors, because I feel like it has the most ambient lighting, but we shot these ones indoors (rain :/) then tried to fix it by sticking a digital area lamp under the finished photoscan model to even out the lighting, then baked that into a new texture, and you know what? It worked. Totally helped normalize the lighting.
4.) Smoothing out stuff with the sculpt tool works way better than it should and I should have been doing it all along.
5.) Also relying on the texture paint tool to clean up little glitches is a good maneuver.

Got the mechanics rigged up (Thanks again, Prospect Props!), still have to do the rest! I know I keep talking about uploading these guys, I just keep trying to figure out the best way to go about it, and it's been taking a while.

Next, so, you've probably seen the cyberpunkish set that's been sitting in the church for the past year. Truth be told we never actually filmed the scene we built it for in the first place, and with Covid and all that, I'm not sure when it'd ever actually happen, so yesterday we went nuts and turned it into bunch of different sets to maximize the usage before we tear it down. 

We did pretty good! 3 different sets in one day!  For all the setups I filmed them two ways: once in a normal "shooting a scene" way, and then again with a locked down camera so I could use them as a background texture element, if need be (I'll upload some of them at some point! They're pretty fun).

First was a random repair/adapter shop for the market scene.

Next was a little food stand type thing. We filmed a bunch at this one. I think I want to do something fun with it in post, but I'm not 100% sure what, yet (it'll be a bit harder to do digital extensions because of all the haze). 

A repurposed prop from a deleted scene from Prospect. It was a Space Caulking Gun, now it's an Unpleasant Goo Dispenser. I love it. They pressurized the prop so it actually squirted out goo, and it still worked even 2 years later. Those guys did so good. 

And finally a random apartment interior. I'm going to be adding a window frame/exterior outside the window, so hopefully it'll just feel like you're getting a random glimpse into someone's bedroom (you can't tell, but we actually built a bed in there that she's sitting on). 

Huge thanks to Nate for such a fun time, and Kaitlin and Selena for the acting!

Also- if you were ever wondering- this is definitely not the best way to get smooth shots :/

Anyways! I have a few random things to wrap up in the next day or so, then I'll be back in action! Sorry to everyone I still have to get back to; I let the messages stack up a bit in the past few days, here. 



Idk man, looks like my kind of dolly!


Perhaps an updated photoscan tut about using video in the future? Like best practices about frame rate and shutter speed and all that? (oh and also i’m newish to blender so i’ve never baked anything except indirect lighting in eevee)

Jan van den Hemel

Good photoscanning tips! I love those sets.


The shops are like Blade Runner! You should have some kind of guy that does artificial genetic design too, and a really dirty, sloppy kind. Call it, Sloppy Cosmetics maybe. Or Slop Genetics. Schlob. Schlop. Schlopetics. Just some ideas :P


Love those sets! It's my first week here on Patreon and I'm loving it. Such great insights with each of your posts, thank you so much for taking the time to share things in detail!


Oh man. Hand replacement is a great idea. Head replacement seems like it could be a good idea as well


Agisoft has a free photoscan delighting tool and it works excellently. Just plug the high poly in there with the textures and paint the shadow/light areas in roughly, then let the software fix it all. That is all you needed to hear.


If you do create a library of hands one of them needs to be a hook hand


!!!! I had no idea tools like that existed! Going to look into that ASAP, thanks!


Seriously, yeah!!! Like, I think the ultimate dream for me would be a whole library of random shirts/hats and stuff (with a bit of self-randomizing going on), so you can mix and match coats/pants/faces to generate random background extras. Nice rich crowd scenes would be amazing


You didn't tell us your artwork was on blender 2.83lts!!! I'm hype!


Thanks, Phantom!!! Yeah, I tried to keep it a bit of a secret, haha. Seriously a wild honor!


Hey Ian! Have you seen the latest Captain Disillusion video? You made a cameo 🤣


Blender 2.83 Splash page! thats whats up


Blender 2.83 splash!!! Another secret is you can find Ian's splash screen blender file here https://www.blender.org/download/demo-files/ That actually a real surprise for me. Because for a long time I was looking for ian's dense project file to learning. Now I can dig something deeper. Thanks for the surprise Ian.


I can't find it on that page for some reason. Would love to check it out!


I whooped excitedly when I saw that Blender 2.83 features video. So dope.


aha am back Ian didn't know why was Patreon blocking me or was not allowing me to pay thru Paypal...had a few days struggle with them...glad to see you, my friend, how have you been...


I did point it out to you about airsoft delighting..with the link...in a pervious post, you should try it out...


Dang! I'm sorry about that! Yeah honestly on my side patreon just seems nuts during the billing period, too. Sorry you lost access for a few days :/


Can't wait for the next tutorial. Doing visual effects on my laptop is so sucky. Can I ask what is your system specs? I will need to get a pc soon


Your tutorials have been a massive inspiration, they're exactly the approach I have on everything I do, straight to the point and entirely dedicated to the final result. You're my first patronnage.


Very industrious! It's impressive how much versatility you can get out a single configuration of that space. And I like that nothing ever gets wasted.