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Woo! You guys- the last week's been... a bit of a doozy! One of those times where everything seems to be breaking at once: a pipe exploded in the kitchen, the van died, the internet's been out, and I juuuust got diagnosed with skin cancer (not the particularly dangerous kind, but still a drag). And, y'know, just kind of being depressed.

Honestly I filmed like 7 different things with the thought up uploading them up here, but I just kept phasing out about half way through. 

So! To get out of the funk I decided to do something for fun: make a bunch of random fake strip-mall businesses.  I suspect it's self explanatory, but feel free to watch the video to see some ways to use them.  (If you're curious in a more advanced "torn paper" effect, check out the torn stickers lazy tut)

Try opening the image in a new tab to see it full rez for download. 


Bumper Stickers:

This is the shot I made them for; it's going to be the view outside a window, although I still need to make the interior space (that'll be another fun project). 

Along the same vein, this is another shot I was working on:

So that's the old version of the shot- it's what I did a year or so ago. And it was fine. Honestly, from a cinematic perspective, it's probably the best option. Wet lonely early morning (this is also the second half of the shot I was showing last Friday). 

But this is also the first time we really see the city, and I wanted to introduce a feeling of being able to "explore", so I redid it, filling it with little details and walkways. 

The "24" convenience store is an earlier version of the "24-7" store I used in the other image I posted. It uses a few of the same elements, but I figure it could be a franchise and that's allowed?? hah

All the people in the scene are animated (you can probably only see the one in the lower left, but there are 4 folks all doing stuff in there). I used the Rokoko Smartsuit to grab a few animations of people just "doing stuff with their hands", and it works pretty well for just a general "person doing something" type filler. 

And here are a couple examples of images where I've used the bumper stickers. Fun way to add some life to a scene! 

In this one I used them as billboards, which works fairly well, before I had the street sign options

Anyways! Yeah, did a lot of experimenting this week, but didn't finish quite as much as I'd hoped. I think I just needed a couple days to re-center, you know?

Talk soon! 


Quick Modeling Signs



Take care Ian <3


Hope you’re holding up man! That all sounds really crazy. Best wishes n all that!


Thank you! You’re awesome and I hope everything works out! Take care man!


Aw man! That is a doozy of a week! Hang in there Ian! These scene images are looking awesome! Can't wait to see the finished episode! Thanks for the signs and stickers!


Burrito Liquidator! Hahaha! :-D


Thank you and take care dude!


Ian you’re probably the only person that can go through that and still be yourself, I’m glad I can support you now more than ever!


Your signs remind me of Graphic Deigner Aaron Draplin . you are both great :)


This was great. Respect for keeping us in the loop. 💯


Hope things get better! With all that bad luck yoh must be due something special soon. Take care

Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey

Aw man sorry to hear about the rough goings, and thank you for the great assets! Much respect man take care of yourself!


Cool asset and video but don’t burn yourself out peace ✌️ dude


Take care Ian, u know the old saying in a time of dogs be a cat


AhhhhhhhhhHhhhh man sending so much love and support your way. That's a super duper rough week damn. Take care and hope the rest of the week is better.


best wishes man! we’re with you.


So sorry to hear that. That sux. All the best to you.


That is a drag!!! Thank you for the amazing assets, wishing you a speedy recovery.


After so much bad stuff it's time for luck and fun. I wish you all the best!


Thanks for finding some time for us. But we're a patient bunch you know. Take care!


Dope stuff! Loving it. Have you ever used Unreal engine to do some stuff in real time? I haven't checked out the integration for Blender and Unreal in a while.


my man. i am so sorry to hear this. praying for the best man


amazing assets.. Take care ian.


Take care Ian! Thanks for all the amazing goodies you give us!


I hope you recover swiftly, and take care!


Look after yourself Ian, and thanks for all the awesome stuff you post!


Take some time for you and your family Ian, sometimes it's good to take a rest to come back in a better form. Take care of yourself man, x


I feel assured the universe will look after you, but make sure you take care of yourself. Eat well... lots of greens, and give yourself space to let go. Them feelings don't feel themselves. Your work is consistently amazing and clearly very inspiring. Thank you for being.

Jan van den Hemel

Off, that's a bad week. Best wishes from Belgium!


Agreed with above - thanks so much for these (as usual, great stuff!) and all your work but sounds like a hell of a time so make sure you're taking time for your health and wellbeing man! All the very best!


Ian, I hope it gets better for you bud. Thanks for all that you do. Sending good vibes🥃


Oh man, Ian, what a terrible week! :( Thank you so much for your incredible content but please focus on your health above else. If creativity helps keeping your mood up, then definitely keep doing it, but just don't push yourself if you don't feel like it. Take care!


Ian, please take care of yourself...the shopping mall looks amazing just want to know are you kitbashing your own 3d assets or you are modeling everything on the way ...and how much time or days is taken in total to make one shopping mall shot in total...


Aw, much love, man. Thanks for the cool stuff!


really awesome stuff! project has came really far and cant wait to see more!remember to take care of yourself especially in this hellhole of a year we call 2020! if u need anyone to talk to hmu!


I've only been listening/watching your videos for a month or so, but wow. Love your energy and style of showing us all the cool little tips and tricks. Some of it is fast and intense, but most of it is in a way that captures my attention, almost like my best friend saying "Hey hey HEY! Check out this cool thing I found out, thought you might like it". And I think that's neat




Man what a bummer week Ian! Hope you are doing better and all of us here are always looking forward to your updates!


Thanks for the update and dang man, hope you get better and have a better week! :)

Don Perkins

Hey Ian, as everyone has been saying: Take care of yourself first and foremost, however that looks to you. Everyone is different in what gets them through tough times. We'll be here waiting patiently for your amazing work, whenever you get to it :) You truly are a prolific artist! Thank you so much for all the knowledge and "things" you share with us. You really are the most attentive and giving Patreon artist i've ever seen. :) Take care!


God bless you brother. You're an inspiration to a lot of folks. And I know you'll pull through this bigger and better. Much Love!


That is one doozy of a week. I hate to hear that, and I hope the next are significantly better.

max pirrit

All the best to you, so sorry to hear about the bad news. <3


Shit, cancer? Man, that is sad. I hope you get well soon. It's removable, right? Through chemo?


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get well soon.


I keep watching this video over and over again. Love it. Out of curiosity, can you outline your pc specs? Thanks


That's a bit of crappy news, even if its not the most dangerous kind its still a massive bummer. But you have our support, Hopefully you can get the right treatment!


I love how the scene's called "establish crab" :D


Take care dude! I feel seriously compelled to print some of these out and use them as stupid little bumper stickers, they're good!


Hey Ian! Do you think you'd be able to link the PSD file so we could change the text accordingly?


I really hope things get better soon, man. Thanks for everything you give us :)


You know when a project means something to Ian when he actually save the .blend file..


Just read this, sorry to hear of the trouble. Thanks ever so much for providing the inspiration that motivated me to take the leap from 3ds Max to Blender. Been a user of the former since MS-DOS days to it's present zombieware state. Blender has made 3D fun again!