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So this is one of the last complex shots for the first episode of Dynamo Dream, but if I'm honest it's mostly being made for the green screen tutorial I'm working on (if I'm going to put this much effort into a shot, I'd rather it be for something)- although the green screen part is going to be pretty darn brief; just select the green and tweak some stuff (the secret to greenscreening is just to get enough friggin' light on it). But it gets into masking and all that, too.  Basically what I'm talking about in this post, but entirely in blender.

Although mostly it's going to be covering how to actually place the characters in 3d space in the scene, and maximize the usage of you green screen: fake camera orbits, elevators, moving the camera while she's out of view, all that jazz.

We filmed this earlier tonight, and this is where it's at (signing myself up for a bunch of work again, haha), but the weirdest part is working on something like this with the intention of making a tutorial out of it. My guess is I'm going to do the entire shot twice (first time to really get it figured out, second time to re-record the tutorial itself so it can be a bit cleaner).

But yeah! This render is basically my first time seeing it in motion (I'm using a pre-keyed 4k element for the footage, which doesn't play back in realtime (though it does surprisingly well! 10fps as long as the footage is in RAM somewhere (2.5 if it isn't :P)), I'll have to export a 480p version for better responsiveness, then swap it out for the full res version for the final render). Lots of stuff I'm going to change! Biggest thing right now is still figuring out the camera motion (CRAZY robotic right now- which is still kind of fun, given that the footage of her was shot handheld).

I have a few other projects going on for the next few days (wrapping up a little collab with the Corridor Digital folks, which I'm excited for)- should be a fun week! :D

Hope you all are staying safe and sane out there!! It's intense :/





Very interesting as ever! Just as an aside, do you have any tutorials on how to rotoscope in Blender? or do you do that stuff in AE?


Corridor digital yeaaah! Love when VFX artists team up and form one giant VFX artist.. Pretty sure it works that way..


Oh damn I do member seeing you in a couple corridor insta stories a while back. Was wondering when something would come out of that.


Hey man, I can't wait to see that, but if i may give an opinion, you should just record it once. Making mistakes and resolving problems is sooooo useful to watch. I know you must feel like you're boring us, or you may have the pressure of not fixing stuff or going back etc. But I feel like every vfx shot I work on there's a mistake where I get stuck, and I've never watched a tutorial where a professionnal just try to get out of a problem. I would love to witness you just working on this as you go. btw the blender dvd about vfx on the blender cloud is totally made that way and that was sooooo enlightning to me :)


Awesome as always!


very interesting, if i get you clear. Will you do a tutorial on how you moved this lovely character from green screen to placing her in this 3d world and building this whole concept. GOD! if so, then all my reason of getting into this 3d will start making sense. i have always wanted to do something like this. i dont mind paying extra for this to finally understanding how to build my world scenes in movies. i hope you understand. please teach me. i love your works dearly thats the reason i am here.


Amazing stuff Ian! Can't wait to see the tutorial. This is by far the best Patreon account I subscribe too. Keep this stuff coming :)


Man this is awesome!


wanted this tutorial so badly :) so my favorite Corridor and ian Collaboration going to happen. Awesome Waiting..


i have to try this.....looking forward for the footage too.....


Hype hype hype train.


Ian I love da way u rockin :))


That's kind of a big part of what this whole channel/patreon is about! Check out these two older posts that might help you get started. https://www.patreon.com/posts/blender-motion-35207323 https://www.patreon.com/posts/ae-to-blender-3d-34871595


Ah! Thanks for posting the link, Carter! Yeah I kind of accidentally got into it in that video, and now I'm trying to actually make a proper breakdown (both for full-blender tracking/keying and AE). It's a lot to fit in one video, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it, but hopefully in the next week-ish!


Can't wait for this tut. :)


Thanks Carter Burr-Kirven for the reply, but i can't seem to view the link. its not opening. help please.


ian Hubert, i can't wait for a beginner friendly tuts approach. like i said i am just a year old to blender and the world of vfx. but its cool. i am enjoying it so far.


Sorry if the links aren't working! They're just earlier posts on this same Patreon page. Scroll back and you should see them. Also, seems Patreon doesn't allow hyperlinks in replies, so they aren't clickable, but copy-pasting it is working on my end...


Ah, yeah! That's what I'm working on now! But also here's a quick breakdown: https://youtu.be/vK3oSzQifUE


Hello, about Dynamo trailer at 3:20 https://youtu.be/z0SVHm6-KUQ


That fake orbit works so well! I thought maybe you'd even put her on a lazy Susan until I caught the tail end of her ankle spin—very graceful twirl there! I can't tell if you actually swooped the camera low to suggest the elevator starting upward and the camera operator catching up a moment later, or if that's just more Blender trickery, but it adds so much.


Haha yeah! I'm delighted by how well it worked (and if I design the elevator to hide her ankles, it should be pretty invisible)! So in this case- I animated a totally hand-animated camera (which is why the camera animation looks so horrible right now), that kind of loosely follows the movement of the original camera, and when she starts to go up on the elevator, I just had it lag behind by half a second- it worked better than I expected! If I were a bit more on the ball I would have ducked the camera down as soon as the elevator started going on set, but I kinda don't mind doing it all digital just in the interest of demonstrating what's possible in the tut :D. It's the first 5 seconds I really have to work on; we did another orbit fake out (she's doing like a 150 degree turn, but we're making it look like 90), but to make the perspectives line up the digital camera would have to just WHIP around her and look kind of bizarre, so I'm trying to split the difference a bit (also the perspective shenanigans get a bit funky because the digital camera gets too far off axis). I think I can dial it in a bit.


Yeah, that's what I was asking, if the real camera dipped down on set! So cool to know it didn't and she's just a plane, it really feels like we're shifting our perspective on her. I *thought* that first turn might be cheated too, since as far as I know you don't have a giant 180-degree greenscreen, but wow it just flies right by! I'm shooting something tomorrow with an orbit cheat, thanks for opening my mind to just how much you can bend the rules there.


Amazing! Awesome! Ian, would like to get your advise if Blender can support virtual production like Unreal Engine that can compositing green screen real-time integrated with 3D screen in Blender.


Ooo- just to clarify, are you wondering if Blender can support Unreal Engine, or if it has virtual production like Unreal Engine? Because the 1st one, totally. The second one... it's getting there. VR is getting better integrated into blender, and eevee obviously seems super suited to stuff like that. I don't know if you saw the post where I was able to stream the data from a Rokoko mocap suit live into blender, but that's crazy exciting for me (still gotta do more with that!) I feel like all these technologies are becoming more and more available at once, and it's all going to hit at once :D


I’m so excited for this!!


Great! Looking forward to seeing more and more on this.


aaaahhhhhhhh lol im super excited about this one!


Super excited for this one!!!!!


omg I can't wait for this tutorial!


Can't wait for the turorial, I'm working on something simmilar for a class right now!


yeah bro..love watching a master. Im creating a really cool shot for a film..im new to modeling Im a matte painter and concept storyboard artist..and i see where i can take this with my new found knowledge..i will upload when im done..cheers Keith thanks for coming to earth haha...one alien to another..cheers


meant to say cheers Ian. thanks for coming to earth and sharing your knowledge..from one alien to another.


AH! Keith! I'm excited to see it! Bringing matte painting skills into a more 3d-type space seems like a crazy powerful combo!


thank you Mr.Ian for sharing this kind of stuff... you are my hero in CGI


WiCked 😎😎😎


Something i've always wondered with this process is do you do any form of colour correction on the footage on the way in to Blender?