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300 OF YOU GUYS! We should make a movie about a bunch of barechested men with shields and testosterone- it'd be a hit. 

Thank you all for being here! This has made the last couple weeks very exciting :D. 

Definitely keep letting me know what you're curious about, or want me to post! I would have thought the above video was a bit too long/uncurated to post, normally, but a few of you have specifically said you enjoy seeing the troubleshooting process- so that makes it really easy to make these sorts of videos :P.  ALTHOUGH I'm sorry it took me till 7 minutes to remember to show the friggin' keys!! 

I'm going to label these sorts of things as "screencaptures", so you know they're a bit longer/less polished (SUGGESTION: maybe just go to the end of the video and see the final result so you know if it's even worth it :P)

I also have a ton of assets sitting around I'm excited to post, so let me know what kind would be most useful and I'll try to get those ones polished up and uploaded first. 


Modeling a Train Booth from a photo


Jan van den Hemel

I love these. Didn't know that "connected only" proportional thing. All this time I've been hiding the vertices I don't want to affect.


I don’t think the video was too long, actually I just kept wanting to see what u would do next


do u keep some of these models in one megafile if you ever wanna reuse one or 2 models for future scenes? every video is like watching a dope magic show thanks for the share!


I want to! There are a lot of object management addons, and I gotta get one of those going, cause my method right now is RIDICULOUSLy sloppy. It's basically just import a similar project file, keep the bits that I think could be useful, and delete everything else.


Buildings and crazy pipe assets would be suuuper useful!


Nice! As for assets, all the kind of background props I find super useful, like the debris pile you posted the other day. Little bits and pieces you can add to create clutter and detail in an environment but without them screaming "look at me!". I love stuff like that.


Always a pleasure! I love your slapdash polish d way of working!


So impressive how fast you can get these assets going. Did you ever try that fspy addon?


I did!!! In fact there's a different version of this video where I started with fSpy, fumbled around for a while, but wasn't able to get a crazy good result, and decided to start over just eyeballin' (I think it's because the table was askew, and that's what I was using for that axis). So many times it's SO useful, though- especially for architecture and such!


Great stuff Ian. Nice to see your workflow. Very impressive. Anyone interested in a free in-depth tutorial on fSpy is welcome to check out the one I made at https://gum.co/fspytute


Dope, thanks for sharing, Chipp! Big fan of your add ons and videos!


hi ian can you share the image or project file of this tut ..want to make it a habit of modelling this way....


thanks in advance


Could you give me a list of your modelling keyboard shortcuts please? Like extruding boxes, subdividing cutting things up, bevelling, the way you can select faces by sort of painting on them. Would be very helpful thank you!


Dang you make it all look soo easy its awesome. Would love any asstes of robots or creatures to try out some animations.


It's okay. You can say you hate the fabric.


Sean I officially love it now. And Kaitlin says it's literally the best part of the shot!


You lost the shortkeys or whatever you call em somewhere along the video after having turned them on :(

Mark Pratt

Great video. Learning a lot. And definitely try to keep the short keys visible :)

Mark Pratt

That would be helpful as you are insanely fast at making all those changes. But very inspiring. Blender and your videos are making my brain explode.


super helpful; I'm learning so much


The most valuable thing to learn from this is the concepts and how you think. So please keep on talking it is gold.


How you bash this stuff out is amazing.


Dude. Watching your tutorials is like having an epiphany.


Nice Ian


I love that you said your friend was into topology like it was a dirty thing to be into lol