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HELLO TO ALL YOU NEW FOLKS FROM TWITTER! (it was twitter, right?) Thank you so much! I'm very glad you guys are here! 

Sorry to those of you who reached out over the past couple days; Kaitlin and I spent the last couple exploring the Olympic Peninsula a bit (single-night trips are excellent for a go! go! go! freelance life because you can send work emails on both days, but still feel as if you finally got a weekend)- we found a bunch of bonkers gorgeous locations! A lot of upcoming Dynamo stuff takes place out here, so we've been trying to find some new crazy zones (mostly around the Queets River Valley and Lake Quinault).

But! I got you something! 

We found this pile in a random clearing, and after a few attempts (the sun kept going in and out behind clouds) I was able to get a reasonably solid pass. 

It's not the highest quality photoscan, but it could work great for post-apocalyptic backgrounds (note: this render uses the asset multiple times, cause that's a thing I can't help but do with debris). I actually bought some assets like this a while back, so it's nice to have some a bit more home-grown.

Here's the original obj

And here's that obj in a scene, cleaned up a bit (with a little crappy bump-mapping and such) Also for some reason the .blend containing the obj is twice as large as the obj itself, for reasons that probably make a ton of sense, but I don't understand. You can also chop it up even more and just use the good bits.

But beyond that, we drove around and found places! Also did a bunch of cool photoshoots for Kaitlin's projects (more on that later!). If I consider this part of my job(???), the gas is tax deductible! At some point I need an adult to explain all these things to me with authority. 

Most all of these places are just, "park on the side of the road and find something cool in the woods"- the Olympic Peninsula is crazy crazy dense, I love it. 

Also- for those who haven't attempted it, it can be really hard to take decent pictures of the woods. That's because our brain uses a combo of parallax/binocular vision to get depth, and without this, it just looks like a big garble. 

If you introduce a dolly move, suddenly you're getting that parallax info, and that sense of space comes back, but stills usually fall short- unless you get some mist/smoke in there (some day I gotta build one of those big ol' hazers. They're a pain, but so cool). 



Termirlan: Right click the link & "save link as" & it will give you .blend file


It's my favorite place! Normally we don't get out there till late summer, but we're starting this year off right :D.


This is awesome Ian!


great shots! what camera did you use?


Looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing the extra photos. I can't wait to get back out there one day and explore some more too.


AH! Do you get out there often? So gorgeous at almost all times of year.


really gorgeous shots & the photoscan came out sick as hell!!


Great photos, the debris looks great! Have you tried the displayland smartphone app?


Yeah! A bunch!! It's great for if you're out-and-about, and being able to have the file ready and waiting by the time you get home is AMAZING- but it doesn't typically provide particularly clean results. In my opinion it works best with nature, where there's lots of randomness in there.


Really great photos. However I can't enlarge the pictures by clicking on them. Is there maybe some Patreon option to embed them differently?


Blarghe, yeah that bugs me too. If you're on a desktop you can right click and open in a new tab, and it opens the original 4k photo, and there's an option on my end to make a post a "photo post", but weirdly enough I think that has the exact same issue (I'll find out). Cause yeah if you're looking at these on a phone in particular they're awful tiny.


Wow, that swampy location is *EXACTLY* what I spent weeks scouting for on a music video a year or two ago. Ah, to do it over... all I'd have to do is convince everyone to hop in the car and drive 14 hours to Washington to film one scene! That shot of the glowing fern is downright magical–are you post-processing that glow, or using diffusion?


Haha! I think the diffusion's probably just a bit of lens moisture- it's a damp zone. But dude yeah!! We've been filming out there a bit the last few years, and I LOVE it. Normally we're spending weeks building sets, either practically or digitally, and being able to just step out of a car and start filming and have it look so over-the-top gorgeous has been SO great. It's the difference between a couple days of post and months of post. But hah! Well if you're ever in Washington looking for swamps, I can point you to a bunch!


In my browser (Firefox) I can't open them in a new tab. I can right click and watch them in full resolution but when jumping back it doesn't remember the position and so on. Patreon in general doesn't really feel nice to use. Maybe a solution would be to just link to a gallery hosted on another website?


What software do you use for these scans? Amazing


Love those photos !


Reality Capture! The results have been pretty incredible (and quick, compared to others I've used!)


Late to the game and making my way through this treasure trove of information you're sharing here. Love these shots!! Hope all's well and that you and Kaitlin are spared by the murder hornets.


Holy crap, Ian! This is AH-MAZING!


That debris pile is amazing! If you want to reduce the polycount without losing the textures, add a Decimate modifier, set to planar and about 25deg angle limit, and delimit UVs. Gets the pile from 300k tris down to 80k. The reason the blend file is so big is that it includes the texture! That's most of the file size, it's 32MB for just the geometry. There's a lot of dead space in the texture as well. I'm trying to do a UV reproject right now, but it's taking a long time. The last thing you can do is turn on file compression in Blender. The image is already compressed, but it takes the geometry only file down to 13MB (smaller than the zipped OBJ)


AH! That's true! I think that's before I realized the generated textures were HUUUUGE. I go in and slap em down to like a megabyte or two jpg without any real quality loss, now. I gotta try that decimate trick! I figured any poly reduction blenderside would mangle the UVs for sure! If not, that's crazy cool. Thanks a ton again, man :D


how can you get the texture thats included in the obj to show up in blender? For me its all pink


I couldn't download


Ah! You have to right click and "save link"- right now Chrome hesitates for a sec, "Are you sure? This is just a random link"- but it's all good :)


Creepy mannequin is creepy.


Link to download doesnt work


right click, copy link, go to new tab, paste the link and it will download, and make sure to download the .blend file cuz the other one thoesnt come with textures