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Flying tow truck!

Mostly just a lot of kitbashing, but there could be couple fun kits to bash in it! 

I built it to match a real truck I have in my driveway. We actually filmed an entire little episode of a night in the life of a flying tow-truck driver, but it's on the back burner till I finish some more immediate episodes. I've filmed way too many episodes. 

Ideally I would have been able to just walk around the truck filming into the windshield, then track/align the CG model for some really fun integration (and swapping out the background). 

It's crazy- I can look at these assets from just like a year ago and still see so many corners I was cutting. None of the pieces actually fit together, they're all just kind of intersecting. It's all designed to look kind of cool as long as everything keeps moving and you don't get to look at it too close. 

But yeah! If nothing else you could definitely rip all those pistons and hinges off and build the start of a robot, if you were inclined!



So happy to see this post today!! I can't wait to get some time tonight and go through this file. I do a lot of 3D automotive work, and I often get so bogged down in making the little details of a bolt correct sometimes. I need to cut more corners myself, and get my vision out and complete projects. I really love your style of knowing HOW and WHERE to do that, thank you for these posts and so much inspiration.


Looks great. Much to learn from this one. Would it be okay if I created a video based on the node group where you add a second texture for the logo? I won't use your model or node setup except for a truck rendering image up front for credit(or not if you don't want that). Hopefully it would drive more to your Patreon. This has been the smartest money I've paid yet for Blender learning!


Oh, totally! Also- sorry I haven't responded to your message yet! It's open in another tab, full of so much cool stuff I'm just working through it, haha!


Cool beans. Off to create it :-)


Ah! That's very kind! And honestly my biggest problem is I cut too many corners. I'm usually taking advantage of the fact that things are in motion so people can't really investigate, but it also means that if you DO pause it, things tend to fall apart. I've been trying to make stuff a bit more polished... although that doesn't totally jive with my goal of releasing like 3 hours of finished webseries content :P There's probably a happy medium in the middle somewhere, haha


So dope! Do you generally kitbash with stuff only you've made or from variety of different sources?


I agree with Chip- I've supported a few people on Patreon but I really feel like you're giving us bang for our buck! And this truck actually holds up pretty well as you get close to it. The scrappiness makes it feel more real than some marvel of flawless topology would. You really do know exactly which corners to cut.


Will there come a kitbash beginners guide from your side? Or in general a tut for beginners regarding these kind of assets? In the meantime I want to say thank you. Thanks for creating this digital space and thank you for your engagement. Never learned so much within just a couple of days. You are such a big win! #champ


soooo cool~!!

