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SO! This is very exciting! Thanks for jumping on board so quick (especially with no backlog of previous posts waiting for you!)

Honestly, I'm really excited about the prospects of this whole Patreon thing. I promise I won't talk money much, but I just activated ads on YouTube earlier this month two, and between that and this... well. Pie-in-the-sky dreams, it'd be really cool to be able to just think about making tutorials and creative work than also having to stop all the time and make money.

Effectively my triangle is :


And, you know, I get to pick 2. Because on any given day, that's all I have time for, which means I always kind of feel like I'm falling behind.

The big big dream since forever has been figuring out some way to combine two of them into one.  What if I got any sort of human interaction while I worked (in general all the work I do, both personal and paid, is done sitting alone in a building)? What if I was able to do my personal work with the people I most enjoyed being with? Or- and this is the lil' pool I'm dipping my toe in now: what if I could make money doing the work I'm excited about?

And so yes! Thank you for helping me get one step closer to that rad possibility! 

JUST released the teaser for Dynamo Dream tonight, which is ridiculously exciting. I haven't released any personal projects since, like, 2018 (and it was a solid 5 years since I released anything before that), so all of this stuff coming together is feeling really good (also HOT DAMN it's getting spread around on twitter in a way I've never seen before).

I'm going to be posting a ton of breakdowns from this shot pretty soon here. I'm trying to decide how much I want to break down this shot specifically, and how much I want to flow into a short tutorial series where we basically make a shot like this from scratch.

The sound work from Impossible Acoustic turned out SO GOOD- it feels so real, especially considering the original audio was basically 0% unusable.

OH! HAH! Brendan sent me this clip. This was them recording the "distant drunks in distant alleys" sound effect. I think I always assume they just have libraries of every type of sounds, but they actually record a shocking amount from scratch.

ANYWAYS! Back to the title of this post: Plans for the next month!

Ideally I'm going to be able to fall into a rhythm here. I have a few lazy tutorials I'm excited to put out there, and I'm so darn close with the end of the first episode of Dynamo Dream- I really want to push through and wrap that up.

That said, once I do wrap that up, it'll still probably be over a month of sound work. It's an INTENSE episode. It's going to be like 19 minutes of straight intense sound design. I really want Impossible Acoustic to work on it- hopefully they're available!

After that, there's a bunch of additional episodes that are pretty darn close to being wrapped (like, 45 minutes worth), but I think I might talk about that in a different post (mostly: this first ep is pretty darn over the top, so later more "standard effort" episodes might be a bit anticlimactic??)

FutureProof wise (for those of you who don't know, I live in an old church compound where we make films and crazy stuff, called "FutureProof Workshop"), there's a bunch I should get started on ASAP. The steps up to Sean's house are way too sketchy (like, in terms of rotten lumber possibly collapsing and killing people), so we should probably jump on that the next time we're going to have a couple nice days of weather.

I keep almost going off on tangents, but I think I'll save them for later. I was worried that I'd have trouble coming up with stuff to write in these updates. But I think I have the opposite problem... (although, on that note, would you guys prefer more granular updates, or BIG OL more infrequent updates? I'd kind of planned on this being the granular place, but let me know if you have preferences! Or I guess you can just tweak your notification settings, but yeah! Lemme know.)

I think this is going to work out alright.



Whoooo! I so glad you made a Patreon. Now I can finally support you! I love your work, and I’m hugely inspired by your workflow. I just started Blender back in October, and I’ve learned a ton from your lazy tutorials. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with next. 💪🏻🔥

Jan van den Hemel

Having been a Patreon creator before, my advice would be: don't start getting stressed about "oh no, I've gotta give the Patrons something" and letting that distract you from what you really want to do. That is a slippery slope, leading to steps made up of rotten lumber. Instead, just do what you do. That's really what Patreon is - it's not kickstarter. We don't expect "rewards" (I know I can't speak for the other patrons, but I'm guessing in this case that's a pretty solid assumption). We just want you doing your thing, with less worry about paying the rent and more time spent on the good stuff. Can't wait for whatever you have in store!


OH HEY JAN! Also dang that's actually really nice to hear articulated. Basically I'm starting this thing with a vast history with old blogs I created with great intentions that I totally dropped after a couple posts, and I'm like, "oh jeez hope THAT doesn't happen"- but yeah I think you're right. I'm just gonna do a thing! Thanks, man!


AH! Thanks Allan! I'm glad I made one too! I'm really glad the tutorials have been a help :) And definitely let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like to have a tutorial on!


The teaser of Dynamo Dream looks absolutely stunning! I‘m so excited to see the full episode and all the behind the scenes stuff you‘ll publish. But as Jan said, take your time and keep creating outstanding work – even if it takes some more months (or years) to complete. I‘m looking forward to it anyways. Greetings from Switzerland. :)

Howie Day

I'd go more granular, but that's just cause I think you're cool and like hearing about your cool exploits. :P


You are a massive inspiration and I am so excited for you and I am so so happy to be part of this


I was gonna say took you long enough for the patron! Jokes aside I love your work and I'm glad I can help in one form or another! And well I've learned a lot form your videos and want to get better at blender


Did you know?!! Who could refuse this value proposition: https://m.imgur.com/ciBkLeN I'm here for the inevitable but highly controversial SBFP reboot


Granular sounds good to me! Honestly just seeing a little bit behind the scenes and seeing little pieces of projects broken down will be wildly inspiring to me. For what it's worth, I'd say don't stress about this space, just keep making things you want to make! :)


Yessss- dig deep into the treasure trove which is my singular patron post, hahahahaha ALSO I literally can't believe anyone remembers SBFP- that's actually amazing. I should upload a higher quality version at some point (I think the only available one is... 240p on youtube??)


Keen for those granular updates but also don't want you to feel any kind of pressure! I'm just happy I can support you and be able to say thanks for introducing me to Blender, like 2 weeks ago lol. I've made moths! I've made a neon sign that says BUTTS! I'm excited to learn more from you and come along on your creative journey! :D


I honestly enjoy hearing about your work and other things going on in your life and I’m excited that you’re taking steps to make your projects and life happen, so whatever you’re feeling up to putting out you can count on me looking forward to it! I won’t even mind if you think it gets spammy, I’m always interested to see what you’re up to!


I don't know if it would be more or less work but what about video updates? I really enjoy hearing you talk (tutorials and your Blender Conference talk) and you could pull up and show stuff you're working on or have worked on.


I just pledged today, how can I access the Discord channel?


I apologize! I thought I had that all figured out from the start, but I think I may not have- still gotta dig into it! IF you happen to see this within the next 24 hours, this link should work (dunno why they make them expire??) https://discord.gg/Vrcgrc Working on figuring out a better solution for everyone to migrate over there!


Woop Woop ! Love your stuff Ian, my blender skills have been increased by a ton since watching your tutorials.


Same here, wondering how to access discord, thanks


I love all of your material, man. I honestly think the update rate should be that which you are more comfortable with. It's cool that you are sharing so much love and wisdom, but the point here is allowing you to make your magic, and I personally wouldn't be too happy if you have to put extra effort into figuring out how better to update the information.


Short version: I will take anything you give, master :D


I personally prefer granular updates (and you going off on tangents gives us insight into your concerns and dreams)


Ahhh... to be where it all started. *Looks around