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  • HospitalComic89_Timelapse.mp4



After making this comic, I realized I should probably add the text BEFORE doing any of the background details. In the first panel, I wanted to have this little Vitruvian Man poster with some pretend-details all over it... and then I had to place Mona's textbox covering half of it. You can see me struggling with the placement, trying to find a spot that doesn't cover the poster, before finally accepting my fate lol live and learn, I suppose!

I think the last V&M story I fully completed was the old Christmas story from last year! It's been awhile since I've done anything with continuity (I dabbled with the Halloween comic, but I stopped when I wanted to rewrite the ending - I'll still get back to that sometime though!). My comics just kinda lend themselves well to one-off gag scenarios or "What if" alternate universe jokes. I've been hearing some positive stuff about this story though, so I'm glad there's still an audience for these sort of things too. It's rare for one of my comics to prominently feature all 3 nurses and Remi together! Now I just have to find a way to fit their moms in there too someday 👀

I'm thinking the next comic might be pulled from the Sketch Ideas Pool, to give my brain a little break, so if you've got any ideas brewing in your head, feel free to throw 'em at me!

Less than two weeks 'til Christmas! Stay warm out there! 💙
