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"You wouldn't know him. He... uh... goes to another hospital."


Surprise! I'm finally done moving! Yaaay! :D

I told myself I was gonna get a comic ready in time for Monday, but today was either gonna be: "Unpack more boxes" or "Work on the comic", so I ended up spending all day on the comic because I'm gonna procrastinate on unpacking these boxes for as long as I can lol

Since it's finished, here's the obligatory Early Access post! I'll get that Bonus Panel whipped up either tomorrow or before this comic goes live on Monday, so keep those pants unzipped.

For the moment, thanks so much for your patience while I was moving! I forgot how much of a huge hassle it is, and the heat outside really wasn't helping, but it's nice to finally be settled in and surrounded by boxes that I'm gonna pretend I don't see.

Hope you're having a nice weekend! 💚

EDIT: Bonus Panel Complete - "Well, of course she'd max out the Penis Slider during character creation."




Darklord Fuutah lol. Darklord FOUU-TAAH (sounds kinda funny). Vero playing a priestess is genius cuz she's nurse. Layla with the "Darklord" tag - edgy personality. I have a feeling in the bonus panel we're gonna see Vero and Layla fuck with Layla being genderswapped. Layla's gonna be a roided hunk of meat and Vero's gonna be Vero - cuz who doesn't love big titty priestess, right?


congratulations on the move!!!!! I can't wait for more comics :)

Deso's Prophet

May she grant it strength and elasticity


I vote for this to be a miniseries


This really needs a follow-up showing her getting reamed...

Obii Maul

The cleric is the most important role in a party