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"Mona doesn't know any French, but that won't stop her from saying "oui oui" every chance she gets."


I am currently dissolving into a puddle - the AC is broken, so the heat outside is disassembling me at the subatomic level. It should be fixed by tomorrow though, so I'll hopefully be in a less liquid-y state by the time I upload the bonus panel. Hope your Tuesday is going alright! 💚


Bonus Panel Complete! I am finally enjoying the sweet embrace of artificially-cooled air lol For those of you who guessed "tickle porn", I WAS thinking of drawing Veronica tied up and being tickled, but I couldn't pass up the chance to draw the rest of the nurses as French Maids lol




(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) poor vero


This bonus is gonna be about "armpit tickle fetish" or smth. Or perhaps a nice juicy oozing pussy tickle. In any case, I'm rather afraid.


I think I know what this gonna lead to doc.

Deso's Prophet

Love that evil face they make

Introvert Enigma

Now we need to see what Vernoica and Layla would look like as french maids ^_^


Now WAIT just a minute! I just read that your ticklish >:D I can read between the lines DoctorLoops


NEVERMIND I was wrong.

Pepe Mora

After seeing Layla: "I think my friend from Tahiti is calling me."


Love it, more tickling please!

Obii Maul

Not sure who is scarier, Layla or Mona.