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"Even a superpowered Veronica has her own kryptonite - it just happens to be really common."

Bonus Panel: "Her Bimbo-inator may have been foiled, but Liplock always has a trick up her sleeve..."


Holy HELL, you would not believe the insane day I've had - a friend called me at 3 a.m. because they were stranded in the middle of nowhere and lost their car keys. So I drove over in the dead of night to pick them up, go to their house, pickup their spare car key, and then we go back to their car... and their spare key gets jammed in the door lock. You can't make this shit up, people. I'm held together by 3 hours of sleep and the sheer power of lewdness.

Anyway, I hope your Thursday was a bit more relaxing than mine! Just one more day and then we hit that sweet, sweet weekend 💚 As always, thanks for reading and being a really cool fan :)




The bonus panel 😩 let it be Layla’s


you should make more comics like this🤙


oh gosh, a whole world of bimbofication, I not even sure I'm up for the task


does the t.t stand for titanic tooshie


Haha, she definitely has buns of steel! But she's got those little lightning bolts because she's "Thunder Thighs" :)

Joshua Vazquez

I need to see what they all look bimbofied now


More bimbos please 😎


What would bimbo Mona look like???


Put me in jail because I'm about to enjoy Mona being even thicker than she's already is


You know, Layla has a fat cock. Food for thot.

Kristen Hall

I hope Veronica's boobs keep on getting bigger and bigger!!!

Satisfied Customer

First time in a while I've wanted a villain to win. Can't a girl bimbo-fy a town in peace?


can we get more to this please? Like my god this is good

Jose C

Fastest defeat in superhero history