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Hey, everyone! Hope your day has been going well :) I decided to make a little post to help new Patrons quickly find certain things for the sake of convenience (Patreon can be a little confusing sometimes!)


Idea Submissions: Submit whatever ideas you'd like to see! Whenever I have art block, I usually randomly grab an idea and draw it up!

Headspace: The last release build of the game before it went into indefinite hiatus.

A page with JUST the Comics: For anyone looking for a quick way to see all the comics without any other posts. You can even click the little arrow button next to "Date" to sort by Oldest-to-Newest!

That's all I can think of for now, but I'll add more links if anything else comes to mind. Thanks for supporting my art! 💚




Oh heck yeah!! That's awesome!! *Realizes I've only given one suggestion this whole time*


Honestly an animation with Layla that involves a potion. I don't know what kind so go nuts


I got two ideas. 1. Mona gets...angry and christ is she terrifying especially with those hard kick styles 2. All three Nurses moms meet eachother.


Draw them buying wonder bread and burning down the woods.


Group Therapy.. 3 comics each for Vero , Mona & Lei.. but all end up gangbanged.. like nurse Ratchet in "one flew over the cuckoo's nest".. but with penis X6


Layla hosting a kissing booth charity to help pay off a patient's surgery that their insurance didn't want to cover. Said patient hasn't been able to to get full coverage since they haven't worked for a few years due to their physical hereditary problems developing worse. Their insurance is known for being predatory, but it was the only one they could afford at the time. Their contracts hold him down, yet barely support him. Its all he could afford, because his body isn't strong, nor is he the most brightest. The patient now struggles in hope that things can work out, but life looks grim. He grew up at an orphanage, and never felt the love of a parent. When he turned 18 the orphanage kicked him out, and due to his hereditary problems he struggled to land any jobs. Eventually he couldn't afford a home. His insurance bled him dry for what little he could manage. He didn't know what to do. Silently fading into the crevices in society. Eventually he suffered a trip to the hospital. ;3