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  • HospitalComic40_TIMELAPSE.mp4



Believe it or not, brushing your cats teeth IS apparently a thing. Who knew? 

In this one, I finally had the extremely-obvious realization that I can change the background to GREY while sketching, so that I'm not frying my eyeballs staring at a solid white hellscape for several hours. Yay!

I'm still sticking with the "stop making hands into square blobs" thing from my previous two comics, and so far, it's been going alright - making individual fingers is still pretty tricky, but I feel like it's better in the long run if I work on that now, rather than keep relying on cheap tricks. Those two hands on the counter are lookin' pretty spiffy, I gotta admit. Also, in comic #39, I put a little extra into Mona's thighs, because I felt like I sometimes draw them too small, when they're supposed to be double-wide load extra thicc, so in this one I made sure to give her that little bit of poochy belly too. Little by little, I'll stop being so inconsistent with my character designs ✌️

That's all for this one! Thanks so much for your support, and I hope you enjoyed the comic :)



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