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(19.1 - Bugfix for infinite Red Keycards)

Good morning, everyone! 💚 Bugtesting this one has been one HELL of a trip. I'm giving this update the codename: "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly", because there's a bit of all three going on here. Let's delve right in and see what's up in v.19 (but here's a TLDR first, in case you're not big on word-dumps):

  • Blocker Tunnels 6-10 are open for spelunking!
  • Storyline progression with Becky and ???
  • Office Cubicles are accessible to the left of the Office 2-F
  • Optional Mini-boss in the Office Cubicles, along with a few hidden secrets...
  • Patron Hall split into two slates that grant certain goodies after viewing them!


If you're a puzzle-fiend, then you're in luck; the Blocker Caverns 6-10 are now open! I wanted more than just "push the rocks out of the way" puzzles, so I spent some time learning a couple new gimmicks that I hope you'll find interesting (or possibly frustrating). This took me a bit longer than I was hoping for, because I ran into some issues that I will now shittily illustrate in MS Paint (the game is uploading to Mega, so I've got time to kill)

Basically, when Zero pushes a Rock, it goes "ghost" for a moment, which allows it to pass through solid objects. I wanted this so that Rocks could be pushed on top of Holes, which would then fill the hole and allow you to cross. Yay! Except that when the rocks ghosted, this also meant they could go through the damn walls. You'd think something as simple-sounding as "rock in hole" would be straightforward, but fuck me - online forums have been a real lifesaver for figuring this shit out.

Additionally, as you'd expect, more Blocker Caverns content means some more interactions with Becky, our resident Blocker. She appreciates your help in tracking down those Memory Stones... but it looks like you two aren't alone down there....

On a side note, I went through the Soaker Orgy scene again and noticed there was one specific  Soaker with some pretty wonky boobies. I started redrawing her breasts to fix them up, but decided I just didn't like her entire design at all. I know she technically only appears for like 3 text boxes, but STILL - so I redrew her entirely. Since her screentime is nigh non-existent, here's the snippet itself:

Looking back, there's actually a couple scenes I'd like to remake, now that I'm a little more comfortable handling the different brushes in Krita. If Veronica & Mona can have an art glow-up, I gotta make sure I spread that love to Headspace too!

That said, this update is codenamed what it is for a reason - so put yer dicks away, cause it's time for:


I'm sorry to say that this is the first update in the last 4 or 5 that doesn't feature a new lewd scene. I've been steadily giving each character at least one scene of their own, but before I whipped up another sex scene, I needed to take some time to actually patch up the "behind the scenes" stuff. Headspace plays pretty smoothly (at least, I hope so), but there's a ticking time bomb nestled deep in it's ribcage that I occasionally need to desperately puff air onto, and this time bomb is called "shitty programming". The thing is, when I started developing Headspace, I had a pretty basic grasp on the program - enough to get it working where it mattered. But as time went on, I learned more and more efficient ways to handle the programming; ways that made my previous attempts almost seem like obstacles. This is where "THE UGLY" comes in, so I'll just bold it for dramatic effect:


Yes, the "ugly" aspect is the actual programming from back when I started developing Headspace. Look at that shit: TEN fucking Event Pages for Stella. Ideally, that should just be one, but because I originally didn't know how to use Conditionals, I would just split up all the different dialogues onto their own pages like a dummy. I know better now, so current content isn't assembled with spaghetti, but I've really been needing to chip away at reworking these before it becomes a problem farther down the line, especially because it gets worse whenever I whip up more content for these characters.

However, before I do anything too hasty, I'd like to first get a Cheat Room working. This way, if any spaghetti code does something bad to your data, you could just use the Cheat Room to quickly jump right back to wherever you were. This would also prevent the need to re-grind through the story on any subsequent playthroughs. The only thing I'd need to get sorted for this is Variables and Switches, although there's quite a bit of them so far:

BUT, at least it's on the roadmap now so there's a little something to look forward to. If I can get Stellas Event Pages a bit more cleaned, there's a good chance I can squeeze in another lewd scene with her (or maybe Aria, if you all prefer? I'll likely put up a Poll mid-month to see what you'd prefer).

And that pretty much sums it up! Click here to download v19 and the decryption key is in the attached TXT file. Let me know if you encounter any bugs that I didn't squash, and as always, thanks so much for all your support 💚




Have to check it out tomorrow ‼️ excited though


Fyi you can pick up the red key card multiple times.

Jesus Gonzalez

Kinda stuck right now in the office level. Picked up both blue and red key cards for elevators but cant seem to get any of the elevators to work. Any hints you can give us please?


Hey there! The upper floor of the Office (Floor 3) is actually still in development, so that's the farthest you can currently explore in the Office zone. For storyline reasons, Floor 3 has to be explored all in one go, so I'm waiting until it's completely done to release it. The other part of this update doubled the current rooms available in the Blocker Tunnels, so if you haven't checked out that area yet, I'd recommend it! It's to the East after passing through the Door to the Inner Mind :)


I’m just really excited to see what’s up next. I didn’t really face many bugs. It took me about 2 hours to finish the grind. With many game overs. Should we expect a roadmap?


Awesome to hear that you've completed all content (and a relief that you didn't encounter bugs)! It would be neat to whip up a Roadmap, but with how the workload at my job fluctuates, I wouldn't be too certain on setting the timelines. For the moment, my main focus in Headspace in finishing the Office 3F and the chapter epilogue, but I'll sometimes step away to work on things like Tunnel puzzles, lewd scenes, or comics.


Not at the moment, unfortunately! I'd like to look into it someday, but exporting these games onto mobile is lot more complex than it is for PCs x_x


I think I might be dumb, but I have no idea where to find the combination for the locker in the cubicles on the 2F. think thats the only little bit left i havent gotten to in this game. Terrific job though. its going to be soo fun when the whole story is complete (praying that it doesnt go the way of Amagato's game(R.I.P), cause this sooo nice)


Happy to hear you've been enjoying the game! :) Headspace is currently in the middle of a rebuild, since the coding for the first half of the game is barely holding together, so updates are pretty much on indefinite hiatus until I get around to rebuilding the game anew :c That said, I really like what I've built so far, so I'm not too keen on giving up on Headspace - I just realize that it's going to be a lot of work getting the game back onto it's legs. As for the locker, the code is hidden somewhere in that same room! Here's a hint: it's a certain day/month!


Is it possible there will be a android version in the near future


I'm sorry to say, but it's unlikely :( The method for exporting onto a mobile platform is a bit more complex than I expected, and the control system would have to be changed (currently, players use the arrow keys to move, but Android platforms use a Tap-to-Move system)


I found a way to play your game on mobile that isn't too hard it really just needs 2 free programs the first one to unpack it and the second one to actually run the .exe file it runs perfectly haven't had any issues with it I got about 20 minutes in if you want I can make a guide on what you need too run it for other fans who don't have a pc


Oh, really? O: What are the programs? I can look into it - I'd need to bugtest before I can make anything official, but it'd be neat to have Android as a platform option.