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EDIT: WHOOPS, I had forgotten to enable the layer that had Veronica's nipples lol fixed!

💚 So they had a long fuck-fest,

to unwind from work,

Moans flowed down the halls,

(yes, even from the clerk)

And for all involved,

t'was a night to remember,

...at least til' they do it

again next December 💙


And with that, my little Christmas story is complete! Hope it made you smile :) Also, today was a good lesson in "Always save your work, just in case your power suddenly goes out", which is why this is being posted much later than I intended lol sorry about that!

Wishing you all a white, warm Christmas! 🤍




I’ve always wondered was panel 5 butt stuff


I hope you had an absolutely perfect Christmas Loops!! This was one of the best mini-comics I've ever seen! Please keep up the absolutely perfect work!

Mighty Start

I wish everyone here a very white Christmas! From snow or otherwise!!😉


Very nice comic! Sucks that there isn't really much for the audience to enjoy after all that build up, though. Would've been nice to see them enjoy the happy ending some more.


I'd be on board for a full on orgy, but I'm happy with what we got. Glad the power outage wasn't too much of a loss. Merry XMas.

duke dake

better after the edit, thanks

duke dake

also, would be cool to get an extended version of this someday