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I've received a few messages in the past about whether or not Headspace can be played on Mac, but unfortunately, the answer is a little complicated.

I can export the game in a way that Macs are able to open it, but from what I've read online, this can sometimes cause Mac-specific error codes to appear during gameplay that I wouldn't be able to fix from my PC. So while the game can technically be played on Mac, my ability to troubleshoot any errors that appear is extremely limited. I tested this out a few months ago by having someone try to run v14 on their Mac, but they ran into a few error pop-ups that prevented them from proceeding past the intro :(

That said, I don't wanna give up on a Mac version just yet! I exported a fresh Mac build of v17, so for all my Mac-users out there who've been wanting to play Headspace, here's the download link to test out the Mac version! There's a pretty big chance it might not work, but I figure its still worth another shot!

Hopefully it works ok! In any case, I'm really glad to have the support of all you lovely patrons 💚

NOTE: Welp, I've just learned that Mac OS 11.0+ retired the ability to run 32-bit programs, which means the game can't actually run on newer Mac versions x_x




Just as a heads up for the download it said that the application can't be opened


Uh oh, I did a little searching and found this article explaining that the newer versions of Mac (11.0+) retired 32-bit software support, which prevents the games from being able to run :( https://www.rpgmakerweb.com/blog/regarding-future-rpg-maker-mv-macos-support Another source says: "Officially, MV no longer works on [newer] MACs. The engine developers have stated that they are discontinuing support for this feature, because according to them, remaking MV to work on [updated] MACs would require strong changes that will entail a complete loss of the plugin database." I'm sorry about that :( I didn't realize this limitation was in place.


Oh dammit lmao

Isaiah leslie

Question: what was your Inspiration for headspace and is the next update gonna have Christmas or new years events?


Is the second elevator supposed to be locked in the office area? Even after scanning the keycard on the 2nd floor its locked.


Hey there - the main questline is currently up to the 2nd floor of the Office, so there's no zone beyond there yet, since it's still in development :)