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(Timelapse can be viewed here: https://streamable.com/utjp2h )

Someone once told me they liked how "you could remove all the dialogue from some of your comics and the punchline would still be clear" and I liked the idea of that! The #1 rule of comics is always "Show, don't tell" - it's much more interesting for readers to figure things out through visuals rather than just reading exposition! So, I wanted to try going all-in on a comic and just tell a joke through visuals. Granted, it's a pretty straightforward story, but I think it came out pretty neat :)


ALSO, here's a doodle comic about Reddit prudes lol basically, every single comic I post there has a few people commenting "Umm??? This is just PORN" , even in comics like this one or even this one! I get it - obviously, I draw adult comics about sexy nurses and I definitely draw porn here on Patreon. But for someone to look at one of those comics and consider THAT to be "porn"? They must watch some pretty tame stuff 😏

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot I was also gonna show you guys the proto-Bonus Panel! Originally, I whipped up a sketch of Mona fisting herself, saying "Hmm... where IS that phone? Maybe I should call Veronica...", joking that she forgot she already pulled it out. In the end, I just wasn't feeling the pose, so I scrapped it and made the new one, but here's the sketch for your viewin' pleasure:





Ah wonderbread


Wait did the wonderbread get in from my suggestion on the other comic?