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Woo, the Height Chart is done! The last time I made a Character Reference sheet was over a year ago and my art style was still pretty unpolished, so nowadays when people ask me for a reference because they want to make fanart, I'm always a little hesitant to show them my old ref sheet lol it's a big relief to finally have this whipped up!

On a side note, I'm really sorry for the radio silence this past week! When I posted that sneak peek at the Height Chart, I mentioned that I was gonna take some time away to try out Hades 2, but I kinda... didn't. I remember sitting down on my couch and thinking "Oh man... I'm actually a little worn out. Maybe I'll just lay down for a bit" and I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day. I realized it's actually been a long while since I've taken a break from drawing - the mental fatigue just all came rushing in and I felt like I couldn't do anything. I put the game on hold for awhile so I could take some time-off to clear my head and catch up on rest, but I'm feeling MUCH better now - sorry if I worried you guys! I'm OK!

In the end, I DID get to play a little bit of Hades 2 though, but not much, because I ran into the situation in the comic lol maybe I'll give it a bit more time before I dip back into it...




God I feel that early access thing; I played Hades 1 in early access and I was so devastated after the first victory (the story just cuts off and the game is like "lets pretend you didn't win") Also, I absolutely LOVE that Monika is literally just a gigantic version of Mona (same with Victoria/Vero just not quite as extreme)

Harvey McGarhey

You know, wouldn't it be interesting if we also got Layla's mother introduced too? Would she be like her daughter, or not? Otherwise, great panel overall

Nico Morales

Pretty sure Layliana was already introduced in an earlier comic, and she’s WAY too tall to be included in this height chart.

Anthony Crumpler III

What, are their mothers fertility goddesses or something!? 😩😩😩😩💦💦💦💦