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  • HospitalComic103_Timelapse.mp4



Don't worry, guys - Layla's fine lol

Genuinely surprised that lots of people on Instagram thought the "cinnamon" was hinting at "cyanide" - I didn't really have any specific medicine in mind besides maybe "xanthan gum - xanax", but I thought it was too much of a stretch to include in the dialogue. I figured that any complex blend of pharmaceuticals would probably be enough to knock someone out anyway lol

On a non-comic related note, Hades 2 is coming out soon! WOO! I played a bunch of the original and the dialogue depth really caught me off guard - I don't think I ever heard the same dialogue repeated twice! (which made it pretty nice whenever I got sent back to the start, because I was dying a LOT lol). Really can't wait for the sequel to come out, and when it does, you can probably expect a silly Hades-themed doodle comic :P

Juggling a few ideas for this next comic (some taken from the Ideas Pool!), so I'll probably have a little sneak peek for you guys soon. Also, here's a joke panel - in an alternate universe where Mona isn't so nice lol




Watch "V&M_103_Timelapse" on Streamable.


Obii Maul

I have no artistic ability so all I can do is sit back marvel at those who have it and the capacity to express it so eloquently.

Nico Morales

Would Zagreus be considered an old childhood friend of Layla?