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I was surprised to find that the orca character won the poll! But that's alright because it's a relatively easy character to sculpt. Here's the progress so far.

Originally I'd sculpted him a lot more muscular. And that was good practice for anatomy, but I didn't think it really fit the character. I opted to smooth over the torso and legs to make him more streamlined. I might tone down the arms as well as they're still pretty muscular.

I was also going with two fingers + thumb on the hands and two toed feet. But as I was working on that I got to thinking he looked a bit too much like a ninja turtle. So I opted instead to go with more flipper-like feet. The first iteration was three toes with webbing, but I thought that reminded me too much of duck feet. So I changed it to the toe + paddle style that I used on the shark I did a few years ago. I kept the two fingers and thumb though because that'll make the hand significantly easier to model. 

I still need to weld the fin and the tail on and figure out how I want the butt to work. But I'm pretty happy with him so far.



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