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I always end up putting off housekeeping posts until I’ve got entirely too many things to say. So this is kind of a random collection of things that are all still pretty important.

Christmas Vacation

I always try to take off two weeks around Christmas and New Years, and I’ll be doing that again this year. It’s a good time to do it because I’m always busy with personal obligations too.

But also I just really need a break again because over the past two months I’ve been doing a significant amount of extra professional work on the side, in addition to trying to keep up with Patreon art. I suppose neither job is the ‘side’ job really, since I do both to make a living. In any case, a few big projects came up and it was hard to turn them down because they pay so well. And then those turned into several more projects. The extra money is going to be a huge help with me being able to work ahead on other longer term projects without needing to worry too much about growing Patreon or needing to take on a lot of commissions. The downside is, well I really need a break once I finally get it all done. It’s been a ton of work.

Perspective Shift

I’m coming up to the end of the first chapter with Perspective Shift. The next page—as plenty of people have guessed—is the orgasming in the shower scene. That’s a pretty good point to take a break. So December will just feature that one page. That’ll wrap up that scene and give me a good point to take a break. It’ll also give me a chance to start working ahead on new sets, character designs and stuff for the next chapter.

New Pulsar Comic

I’d like feedback on this from any tier if you'd like to leave a comment.

I was going through my old files and I found a fun little 12 page Pulsar comic that I wrote and roughed out about 8 years ago, but never started because at the time I didn’t have enough experience in doing comics. Well I’m glad I found it because now I think I can do it! x) And it's a funny idea. Although it’s likely I’ll do this comic as a sketch comic just so it doesn’t take as long.

The problem is that I’ve got a “comic” tier and a regular art tier. Which doesn’t really lend itself well to doing multiple comics at a time because it gets confusing. Even if the comic tier is for the main comic, I don’t want people subbing and then wondering why they’re not getting all the comics when I start posting them everywhere else. I dunno, I gotta come up with another naming convention or something.

Anyway, I’ve got two options:

  • 1. Run the comics concurrently, but only post the Pulsar comic to the regular ($6) art tier.
  • 2. Take a bit of a break from Perspective Shift and run the Pulsar comic as an interlude. If I do it this way, the Pulsar comic will probably get updated more regularly because it'd be a lot less work. Once a week probably. So the whole interlude would be about 3 months.

I kind of prefer the first option, but I’m not really sure what would be better. What do you think? I might run this as a poll later too because nobody reads these walls of text x)

Patreon Stuff

Some general Patreon stuff:

The Grandfathered $4 Tier

I grandfathered my $4 art tier several years ago when I increased the price of the mid tier to $6 to help balance things out a bit. My plan was always to continue to keep posting art to that tier for that price, for as long as people wanted to stay subbed to it. I’ve still got about 50 people on that tier and I really appreciate the long term commitment!

That being said, I’ve decided to only post 3D animations to the $6 and $12 tiers. I think that’s fair; they’re a new thing for me and not something I had gotten into yet back when I’d grandfathered the $4 tier. They’re also a significant amount of extra work compared to art which I think justifies the extra few bucks. If you would like to see more of them, please considering upgrading. That would really help me out a lot!

I’ll continue posting art and comics to the $4 tier as usual unless it falls to about 10 subscribers or so at which point I’ll probably close it.

Hyper Tag

I don’t think anyone’s noticed, but I deprecated the “Hyper” tag quite a while ago. I no longer tag art as hyper because basically all of it is. And that’s what you’re here for anyway. x) I’m still using other tags, like for different types of art (comic, full color, animation, etc), Pulsar has his own tag, and I tag certain themes that are more niche (multi, AV, etc). I may go back and delete the hyper tag since I’m not using it anymore.

Community Chats

Patreon has been trying to push themselves as more of a social media platform, which I just really don’t have time for. I don’t know yet if it’s going to be possible to turn off the “community chats” feature they’re pushing, but I don’t plan on using it. At the moment it’s only available on the app I think, which I don’t use anyway. But even if they do bring it to the web it’s not something I’m going to be using.

Thanks again for your support!


El Deaf-o with Hearing Aid-o

Thanks for the update, it sounds like you've been thinking this through, so I don't anticipate too much frustration in the end whichever you choose. Agreed with how this service is touting themselves as social media. More places to follow creators 🙄!


Thanks for the update! Hope you have a great break, glad to hear that you have more projects!