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Last year I did several sketches with this hyper hare character. I always liked him even though I never did anything with him. But while developing the comic I thought he'd be the perfect foil for what I'm planning to do. Some patrons have already seen these sketches of him, but I'm reposting them here so Comic tier patrons can see him too. His name is Quentin and he'll be growing / TFing in various ways, although I haven't decided yet if he's going to have a horse c0ck in the comic.

I've been working a lot behind the scenes this week to get the comic started. I have the entire idea worked out, and the first half of it written (or chapter one at least). Working title is "Perspective Shift", though I might change it if I come up with something better.

Something else I've been wanting to try since the last comic is creating backgrounds in 3D and incorporating them with line art / cel shading directly out of Blender. The lecture hall image is showing that off. It's a little tricky getting "line art" out of Blender in a way that will mesh with the rest of the illustrations, but I think it'll work. It should save me a huge amount of time while also making for a better looking comic. I'm pretty excited about doing it like that even if I do have to keep tweaking it yet.

Finally did some character design sketches. The hare and the zebra are the only two who I know for sure are going to be in the comic. I'm still concepting who Quentin's roommate is going to be and I'm not really sold on any of the other designs I've done so far. If anyone has suggestions feel free to leave a comment. 

My goal is to have the first page done next week! So I'll be kicking it off soon.




I'd definitely approve of keeping the genitalia as is, but it's a great design either way!


That hare who's hugely hung has a familiar face [and phallus], indeed! :}===< Good luck with the Blender-based background! I hope it's a boon and blessing to your wonderful work.

Aaron Reef

Maybe his roommate is a horse and they get hypersized versions of each other cocks


Bunny?!? Sign me the heck up!!! XD


Considering the reality bending nature of the story, I could just do a few different ones!


I thought about a horse, but I just did horse TF 2 comics ago. I'm looking for more of a unique species...


Haha, might not be quite as crazy as you grow sometimes, but I still hope you like the story ;>

Jun StarBit

For the Hare's roommate since he already has a Zebra friend why not a predatory animal like a crocodile? a shark or maybe a nerdy tiger, or jock Rhino (Rhinos are so underutilized), I definitely love how you draw scalies and it could be fun specially if you do species change down the line ALSO THOSE RABBIT BEANS ARE SO GOOD LOVE THEM, glad to see Quentin again I'm excited for your new comic project they always so good and inspiring


I remember when ya first drew this guy, love the good ol nerd/shy character being absolutly massive trope! Anyway i am excited to see what ya do with this comic and story!

Koril Snake

I approve of growing bunnies. And bunny paws. :b


i still love this bnuuy so much!! i wanna play with him a lot~