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I came up with an idea that I think would be fun to do as a comic and I'm working on it now. It's going to revolve around reality bending, which also makes it possible to incorporate a lot of the other things people are asking for such as TF, muscle growth, casual hyper, etc. 

My question is, which of these reality bending scenarios do you prefer: Normal human society transforming into a hyper furry society, or normal furries transforming into hyper furries?



Throwing humans into the mix gives it more depth and flavor imo, but I'm also very biased |>


Both are good. But human to furry transformation definitely makes more contrast.


Yeah, for sure. I know some people don't like humans in the mix at all. But if everyone TFs anyway, you're only going to have hyper furries by the end regardless, so I think that's probably okay x)


Both sound great, but I'm leaning towards humans.


Every depiction of the pathowogen incident fills me with bodily horror and existential depression. Please don't let a porn comic be sullied by the mention of humans.


Wish I could smash human to furry harder, but I've only one vote to cast.


Well there wouldn't be any porn with the humans. As I said above, if everyone TFs anyway, you're only going to have hyper furries by the end regardless. It's more of a familiar starting point


Human to hyper furry!


Human all the way

Koril Snake

I much prefer Furry to hyper furry, myself. :b

Steven O.

I think having humans turning into a hyper furries and having it perceived as normal has better story potential but that's just me (and my TF fetish)

Piper Malone

Yeah, same. The idea of a normal human running into a hyper scenario and the world shifting around them and becoming hyper focused. other people turning into hyperized beasts has so much fun potential to me.

Cutebold Productions

I am hopin' strong for humans --> hyper furries (has more depth to the transformation imo) but whichever wins, m'still super happy. Seein' you take on reality alteration is gonna be a FANTASTIC treat!


I'm a fan of humans and furries living to gether in a society like in your "Zippity Do Da Day" comic


If you're going to bend reality, you might as well bend it REAL HARD, right? Humans into hyper furs is a bigger bend! :D Although, I do enjoy both - and I understand that whole 'ew hyoomans' reaction some furs have. >__>


I agree! You know how much I like it too ;> But yeah, as I'm planning the story now it's going to be normal furries to hyper furries. And the poll is pretty much confirming what I suspected

Jun StarBit

I am all for the Humans to Hyper Furs deal, but since it seems everyone wants to go for the Furries to Hyper Furries route I am gonna concede and compromise P: The only thing I want to suggest because I'm a sucker for all types of transformation is that since we BREAKING reality hard you could take the time to explore tf themes that are more rare, like species transformation, a Twink Fox becoming a Hunky Hyper Rhino with multiple cocks for instance, Orientation Play like Straight to gay or vice versa, Gender Shifting like a female dinosaur becoming a hunky daddysaur or male Seal becoming a hyper breasted seal milf, and lastly a more rare niche type transformation is I believe body type shifting like for instance this Massive Bodybuilder type Buffalo man being transformed into a Buffalo femboy with soft fur and a massive breedable hyper donut hole ass ready for any hyper dickings and him being none the wiser that his reality literally turned him into a breedable hole for virile stud males like he used to be, these are just examples, but I wanted to express that these are types of transformation that could definitely work with your story, specially the specie change/transformation, I'm giddy to know what you cook for this one, still in love with Vorecurious ~

Declan Gray


Aaron Reef

Maybe there can be some extra post credits pages with a alternate ending involving hyper scat for those intrested a second filthier outcome

Drekhan Nostraz

Normal to hyper furry. I will happily be one of your reality bending test subjects :3


I like both, but I have a bias towards furries turning into more hyper furries. I do feel slightly hypocritical since I do have thought of turning my human self into a furry lately haha.


fuck i like both >///>