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Over the past two or three months I've been doodling weird body stuff with my kinky bird self whenever I got the inspiration for it. I haven't been posting these pics regularly because 1. I often don't bother to finish up the sketches once the initial horny is out of the way and 2. because they're weird.

Well I finally got around to it. I figured since they're not everyone's cup of tea, rather than posting them individually over a week or two I'd do another group post and just toss them all in here. So here you go! 

(There are a bunch of images so if you're into this sort of thing, be sure to click through to Patreon.)




hyper life is bonkers, ain't it?


Absolutely fantastic as always!

Amethystine (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-14 15:25:07 These are fan-freakin'-tastic. <3 The multi-eye, double-beak one is so cute, somehow! Also, the shaft coming out from behind your crest is perfect and also a sort of perfect encapsulation of 'Pulsar has a sexy idea!' / the lightbulb over the head sort of thing. :D Love that taur! Also, the gaping ATWT is how I imagine you'd look after having some other huge hyper shaft through you.. you just have to 'pull yourself together' -- which I'm oddly imagining like the T-1000 for some reason. Just a sort of fluid-flesh 'schloorp' back down to your typical dimensions. That 'fuckbird angel' shot at the end is a great capper to the set, too.
2022-11-30 23:12:53 These are fan-freakin'-tastic. <3 The multi-eye, double-beak one is so cute, somehow! Also, the shaft coming out from behind your crest is perfect and also a sort of perfect encapsulation of 'Pulsar has a sexy idea!' / the lightbulb over the head sort of thing. :D Love that taur! Also, the gaping ATWT is how I imagine you'd look after having some other huge hyper shaft through you.. you just have to 'pull yourself together' -- which I'm oddly imagining like the T-1000 for some reason. Just a sort of fluid-flesh 'schloorp' back down to your typical dimensions. That 'fuckbird angel' shot at the end is a great capper to the set, too.

These are fan-freakin'-tastic. <3 The multi-eye, double-beak one is so cute, somehow! Also, the shaft coming out from behind your crest is perfect and also a sort of perfect encapsulation of 'Pulsar has a sexy idea!' / the lightbulb over the head sort of thing. :D Love that taur! Also, the gaping ATWT is how I imagine you'd look after having some other huge hyper shaft through you.. you just have to 'pull yourself together' -- which I'm oddly imagining like the T-1000 for some reason. Just a sort of fluid-flesh 'schloorp' back down to your typical dimensions. That 'fuckbird angel' shot at the end is a great capper to the set, too.


Haha, thanks so much! I didn't even think about the crest-cock being like an idea lightbulb, but that's kind of hilariously appropriate. x)

Andreas Silva

Love the biblically horny angel pulsar


especially love the all fours and boytaur, feethands is really good 💙 boytaurs dont usually do much for me but the way you draw it here is just real lovely~




The extreme ATWT gives me "don't mind me, just fucked a kaiju" vibes. I chuckled at the alt. Easiest deepthroat ever. 😂 That angel one is majestic!


Would love to give that angle a hug. I image that must feel amazing.


Crazy stuff going on ^^


Are the all the way through stuff reposts? Or did you finish the sketches?


I drew a similar pose with another friend's character like a year or two ago, so that's probably why it looks familiar. But this one is a new version with Pulsar.

Roco Vailo

Have fun~ be weird ~! Never regret it hehe. Fun stuff though! The double face one reminds me of a weird idea I want to draw. Where like, a horned creature is "ripped" in two, but instead of a Gorey mortal combat finisher, the split pulls apart the two halves that form into their own one-horned fully bodied selves. Like a cell dividing kinda I guess xD

Roco Vailo

Oh, as for the cock out the head, have you thought of or seen the "ear fucking" or otherwise dick through head stuff? Some is Gorey but most seems to be silly toony stuff which is fun xD one ear out the other, brain being used like a flesh-light. Hyper sizes even better ~ Oh, speaking of that does remind me I doodled my own little spread sheet of various "weird" stretching poses xD if you're curious to see.


I've drawn ear fucking before for a few friends. It's pretty kinky yeah. x) I wouldn't mind seeing some of your weird stuff too, sure!

Kessler Hunter

Really taking dickhead literally