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This is a WIP of the next Daily Grind pic. I had a version of it inked last week but it just wasn't coming together. Sometimes you just know a pic isn't right but it's hard to tell at the time exactly why or what to do. So I waited several days and revisited it this week. I changed a bunch of stuff and made it more dynamic overall and I'm a lot happier with it now!



Riz Lysander

Of course it's a donut shop! And the outline of the donut in the bag isn't suggestive at all!


Haha! The circle on the bag is going to be the "Pumpkin Spice Must Flow" logo I've used a few times before, I Just didn't draw it all the way in there. x) But I can see what you mean.... But yeah, of course it's a donut shop! ;> I love donuts! Both kinds...