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That sheep is going to end up being a pred whether he wants to or not!



Riz Lysander

Daww, I love the sheep's expressive eyes when he's behind the pillow!


Thanks! Blocking characters to keep the poses and panels interesting takes a surprising amount of effort. Doing all this has been a huge learning experience. x)


Im sure hell love his new diet. Hahahaha


I like the way it's like.. Panels 1 and 2 have Luke's eyes showing and his mouth hidden, then suddenly it's the opposite on panel 3. :} And, shy, unwilling pred? So cute. <3


Yeah, I like that bit of action too. Also the way the lion leans in to the left, then back to the right. I was trying to think of interesting ways to have the charaters interacting on a page where it's just the lion talking and reacting to what he's seen. It relies on a lot of body language and more dynamic movement. For as simple as this page is story-wise, I'm actually really happy with it


Yesss, the leaning lion makes it all very dynamic and not static/staid or boring! :D

Aishling Sparrow

Dominant prey are so much fun. Can’t wait to see what the big guy has planned… absolutely *loving* this comic so far; I’m so eager for each page! Your art is fantastic, but the casual mood and adorable characters just make it so perfect!