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Hi everyone,

I'm writing to let you all know that I'm planning to take some much needed vacation time after I finish my current round of commissions (hopefully by the end of this week.) I've taken a few other breaks this year, but I haven't taken any actual time off. I've always just taken a break from one kind of art to work on some other art.

Unfortunately this is seriously burning me out. :c I wish it wasn't because I absolutely love being able to do art full time. But I really need to take a mental break from all the creative output and to recharge. I desperately need actual time off, away from the computer and away from constant creative output.

I'm going to be taking two full weeks off, from August 28 to September 11. This way it straddles two months so I can continue to meet my Patreon obligations without having a short month. 

My goal is to probably not draw for those weeks, or if I do it likely won't be porn. In any case, I'm not going to plan to do any art, and let myself take a mental break from any obligations. Honestly, I find this to be the absolute hardest part of being self employed. It's super difficult for me to "turn off". But I've been feeling like my work is a bit stale lately and I know from experience the only way to come back stronger is to give myself a break.

After I finish commissions I will still be posting them too, so it might not be too long of a gap in my regular posting schedule for $6+ patrons. The biggest break will be the comic. But I'll still be hitting my two pages per month goal (I'm already at 3 pages for August anyway, so I'm ahead there), so I hope you'll stay subbed to see what happens in Vorecurious.

Thanks for your understanding!



Hope you have a lovely time off, always do what's best for you! We'll be here to support you regardless 💙


You have a great time! Enjoy drawing whatever the heck you want, or nothing at all }:->


Here's 'Hystine humbly hoping you have a happy, healthy, heavenly holiday, hunky hombre. :heart:


Have fun! Hope you have a great time! (doubly so if you're going somewhere)


Have fun and fill your batteries - everyone need breaks and vacations ;)