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That was quite a load! 

A quick update on this comic: we're quickly reaching the end! I've got the rest sketched out and there are only 3 pages left. I'm going to be away at BLFC next weekend, so I'll post the next page after that. Then I want to post the final two pages at the same time because they sort of go together to wrap up the story.

Since I can manage about one page per week, it looks like the next page will be on June 11, and the final two on June 25, which will wrap up the comic nicely by the end of June.

I'll talk about this more once we get closer to the end of June, but I've already got several things in mind for the next comic. If I go with my current idea (which I'm pretty excited about), I will have to develop several new characters, at least one major set piece, and probably write a bunch of script ahead of time. 

I haven't decided yet if I want to jump straight into it, or take like a month off in July to develop ideas. If I do take a few weeks as a bit of a break, I will still continue to post development updates / sketches for $2 comic tier patrons. It just won't be like a full on comic page each week.

Thanks for your support! 




Uuuugh love it so much!!! More comics like this please!


Thanks! The next comic will probably not focus on Transformation so much but I hope to still keep it pretty hot and sexy. :>


Whatever your next comic is, it sounds nice and ambitious! :D But first things first, have fun with the ending of this current story. :> And, of course: What an amazing cascading cavalcade of cum you've got on this page, here!