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I realized the other day that I never did any Regular Show rule 34. (Or maybe I did and forgot, who knows!) I wanted to something with Mordecai and Margaret, so I did this sketch of Margaret first just to get a feel for her character. And to work out some proportion things like how well her very cartoony face might fit on a more anthro body. Then I got carried away and colored the whole thing.

Anyway, there's another pic with her and Mordecai coming later this week too.



Rykela Zair

oh my god, if this is what she looks like then I'm absurdly hyped for the second pinup! Her toony face meshes really well~ 💞


I'm pleasantly surprised myself how well the Regular Show's stylized faces work with more regular anatomy. x) Better than I'd expected!

Riz Lysander

Oooh I really love it! It all fits really well. Also I want that outfit now, My Bazooka and My Bazonkas. Great stuff!


Haha thanks! Yeah I don't know where that came from, but it seemed like the sort of goofy thing she might have on her outfit. xD


I didn't peg you as Regular Show fan :3 Very nice version of Margaret


I think this works really well. And her outfit is AWESOME :D

Eric Adler

So awesome!, although sexy hyper birdies are an easy hit on me. ;)