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Here's another silly thing I doodled the other day too. Blender is free—but it's also way too easy to spend money on additional things for it!



Riz Lysander

Oh no, you took off your beak!


It's like that pic of the guy removing the toucan's beak. xD I tried drawing the expression with Pulsar's normal face, but between the forward angle and needing to include the teeth to make it read properly, it was just easier to draw the actual face, haha


Oh you poor boy. hahaha


It's a surprisingly interesting look. I know this is just a joke and all, but I'm intrigued by the concept of human-faced anthros now

Rangarig Rex

Well... for 3ds max I once bought a depth of field plugin that cost €500. That was my cheapest plugin. Just saying :)


Wow! You're wealthier than I am. x) I haven't played around with Blender's DOF much yet, but I do want to try it out more once I start doing more scenes. So far the most I've spent on a Blender plug-in was $109 for Quad Remesher. I've been considering setting myself a budget so I can buy like one plug-in or asset pack per month, or something like that. x)

Rangarig Rex

Well I spread my spending out over a long time period, but yeah... I sunk too much money into my hobby back then. I was going less for being wealthier than you, but more for... the plugin landscape in blender is cheaper than the competition usually. Like realflow the goto fluid simulation in max is 500-1000 a year depending on the deal... and blenders flip fluids is a one time payment of something around 80 dollars. But yes, its easy to invest in a lot of plugins and then not having time to work into them. I already have a plugin and asset list of shame :)