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This model is kicking my ass! I knew when I started it I wanted to use it as a test model for fur and to incorporate what I've learned about Blender's hair particle system since I started playing around with it. Little did I know that it is extraordinarily tedious to fur up an entire model like this. So much finicky, detail-oriented fussing around with settings and values. My brain is kind of burned out after the past two days of fiddling with this model.

Honestly I'm kind of surprised I got this far! But I'm also blown away that it's even possible to get this level of detail on a home computer with free software. 

I'm not sure I'm going to do this again any time soon unless maybe it's feathers on Pulsar. But—at the risk of sounding like a broken record here—I did learn so much doing it that if I do do it again it should go a lot faster.

There are still a lot of little things I want to fix on this. All I can see at the moment are the mistakes that I haven't addressed yet. But I am also pretty impressed by how much of a difference the fur makes, even as subtle of a texture as it is in a full body shot. So.. uh... hopefully time well spent?

Now to rig and pose it.



Riz Lysander

That looks AMAZING


Thanks hon ^^ That really means a lot considering how much time and effort I've been putting into it these past few days!