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Pin-up pose of Pulsar stretching. Was in the mood to draw some hyper bulging out of tight clothes. There's also a dirty alt attached for folks who are into that.

I haven't been painting in a while, so I'm trying to make a point of doing that more. I've got a hundreds of brushes for Procreate that I've never had a chance to use or go through. So part of doing these is trying out all these different brushes and sorting out the ones I really like (or adapting them to make my own) so I can have a collection of painting brushes that I really like which also makes the process more enjoyable. 

I'm also trying to incorporate more techniques into my painting. In the past when digitally painting, I've just picked the colors I want to use directly. But using more blend modes and textures on paintings the way I do with full color (cel shaded) art really helps a lot and I should do it more often.




Wow this loks fantastic! Great work!

Andreas Silva

damn this is great Pulsar

Joseph Mask

I know this is kind of an off topic question but It's been lingering in my mind for a while now... I wonder what Pulsar would look like flipped inside out?...

Joseph Mask

Good piece btw 👌


So much gas from the ass birdie ;3


What a pretty birdy. :} Also - I guess it's true that yoga really frees up your inner.. something. >__>