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I've really wanted to get back into hand-animating little loops, so with taking time off from commissions, it's the perfect time to do it. (And I can finally deliver on my promise of animations for my $12 tier too. Also if I get into doing 3D animations, they'll be posted to the $12 tier first as well.)

This is a rough I did today of a big guy squatting onto someone's face. Probably will polish it up and color it over the next few weeks. Animation is just so time consuming that I feel more inclined to post roughs or WIPs so I can get some progress out there.

Any suggestions as to what species the big guy should be?



Duke Nauticus

Ahah, reminds me of some of our chats. Very smooth!

Fatal Fox

Squatting scenarios are my jam!! Seeing it coming from you has me so hyped.