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Now that I've got my March commissions all completed I'm going to start on 3D stuff soon! However next week I'm going to be taking some time off. I didn't realize how much the pandemic and several back-to-back months of commissions without any breaks was burning me out. I've just been completely creatively drained and haven't been able to work on personal art or anything extra for the past few weeks. And to make matters worse I've also been dealing with some really tough real life issues. I just need a few extra days where I'm not feeling guilty for not being productive.

I've got one professional project I'm doing next week (which I'm actually quite looking forward to because it'll be a total change of pace from the usual art stuff). That'll only take two or three days, so I'm going to take the rest of next week off to mentally reset. Then after that I'll be getting back to art, 3D and the comic as well. I'll still be posting art next week, and then I should have new personal stuff after that.




Good luck with the tough real life stuff. S: Be well, in general, Pulsar!