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I probably don't need the extreme warning for this one either, but it is a little more niche. So just to be on the safe side since I know it's not everyone's thing.

Just a quick doodle of Pulsar on the couch. Sometimes when you're hanging out you just really gotta let one rip~




More casual lewdness. I love it!


The non-fart version just seems like your standard casual hyper sluttiness, as in he's offering himself up to anyone in front of him while he casually keeps reading his book. :}c But I see that it's an extreme pose [done casually] for a hyper fart, of course.

Benji Fox

Now that's hot. ♡

Fatal Fox

Always love when you add in a fart version! <3


The Art of Crepitation by Mr. Methane...


I've got some fond couch memories keeping me warm right now. Or maybe it's that fart.