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Here's the full bracket for the slice-of-life ideas face off! It was really hard picking from all the ideas, including the ones I already had. I also changed a few or simplified them so they'd work better with the theme once I decided on what it would be. Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas!

I'll post the polls for the first round on Friday. It turns out you can't put more than one poll per post. Unfortunately this means I have no way of avoiding a flood of notifications to your inbox. But I think it'll work better to post all of the first 8 at the same time and let them run for a few days, rather than doing like one per day. That way you can just go through and vote on all of them at the same time.

In the meantime, you get to see what the ideas are and think about your choices. Have fun!

(I'm posting this publicly, but only $6+ patrons will be able to vote.)




All those ideas are soooo good! Its gonna be “SUPER HARD” to choose!

Riz Lysander

Man. I'm excited for this! What a great idea <3


Thanks! Yeah I hope it works out well. I can definitely see doing more of them


Oooooooh. Also I hope your health is much improved.


That is an awesome selection pool / group of entrants, so to speak. :D


ah, no Chandra love </3 Loads of other good stuff <3