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I've responded to all the commissions requests from patrons that I'll be taking on. There are a few I decided not to do, usually the more kinky or filthy ones. I'd like to get away from doing that sort of material, so I've been more pickly lately on selecting things I think I'll enjoy.

If you haven't submitted an idea yet, the form is still open for the public until July 4. (Or until I fill my remaining slots.) So feel free to still submit an idea if you'd like.




What's making you gravitate away from filthy/kinky stuff?


Nothing in particular, I just want to focus on drawing stuff that I'm more personally into. I should clarify by "kinky" I mean the kinks that I'm not into as much. There's tons of stuff I really like (like excessive multi) that is way too kinky for some people. Kinks I'm not into as much are things like cock vore, scat and filth, mpreg, hyper fat.. probably a bunch of other ones. They're things that I don't have a problem drawing, but they don't do anything for me. I'll be moving away from those more to things I specifically like, such as hyper, multi, excessive cum, casual sex, etc. Not saying I won't draw them at all, but I'll probably be a lot more selective about it and/or only take like one pic per month that includes them.


Ohhh, I didn't know filth/scat stuff wasn't really your thing. I appreciate that you occasionally tackle things you're not into for commissioners. I feel like not many artists can do that.


Scat/filth specifically is very much a mood thing for me. Sometimes I'm into it, sometimes not. But I can just as easily leave it out and not miss it

Ryan Mayer

Well, whatever you continue to draw, I’m sure you’ll make it as incredibly sexy as you’ve always done ❤️ ESPECIALLY that wonderful casual~