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I've asked for references from my $12 patrons in the past if you want your characters to appear in the backgrounds of pic or comics. I'm going to ask for the same thing again here, but this time a little more organized, with a form!

I'm also asking again because I have more than twice as many $12 patrons as last time (thank you!), but that post is pretty buried so you might not have seen it. I'm getting to the point where I want to start populating the comic with background characters, so this is a good time to ask again.

If you'd like your character to potentially be included in stuff in the future, please submit some refs here:


Some notes:

• Should go without saying but—only submit characters you own.

• I strongly prefer characters that are naturally colored or have mostly natural features. If you have a character design that is particularly complex, feel free to submit it, but with the understanding that I may not use it.

• Likewise if your character is *too* hyper or too tall (or too fat, etc) to reasonably fit into the picture, then I probably won't use them. You've seen my art so you know I like to do a lot of casual sex stuff in mostly "realistic" settings. If a character is too tall to fit in an average room or so hyper they can't fit in a car, etc, I might not have a spot where I can include them.

• Feel free to submit more than one character. But I will likely limit appearances to one character per person, per project.

• If you submit a character but it either changes or you no longer want it to be in the pool of available characters for me to use, please let me know. If it's in the list, I'll assume it can be used.

• If possible, please use an email address that you check regularly. I might have a question or particular request, and if I don't get a response I'll probably pick someone else.



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