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This isn't really my pic; Stellos did it first. But I've always really liked it and it was something of an inspiration for me in showing just how far you can push anatomy and what kinds of crazy things you can do. Even though this is way more extreme than I usually draw, I've always kind of wanted to do my own take on this pic. So here it is.

The pic has a warning for a reason. It shows one hugely hyper hung stallion plowing several other horses, humans and a centaur all the way through, stacked up on his dick. If you're not into that, don't download it.




I like the horse on the end mouthing that beast


In the original pic, I think it's a dog. But it's so low res, it's hard to tell. I wanted to stick with horses though x)


I really really love this~


Horse horse horse human centaur human horse.... dick.


Oh Stellos. May he rest in Peace. I have a piece of hyper art from him from *waaaay* back, when I first got into Hyper.


Oh wow! YOU'RE the Teddy in the file name? That's amazing! I know those pics~ What a treasure to have. Yeah, it's a real shame that he passed. I never had the chance to know him. I'm glad you did though. :>


Stellos was an amazing artist, It was a sad day for a great many people to hear that he passed.


If it's the hyper docking one with a tiger and an off-screen Equi'taur then yeah, that's me. :) based off a RP log from Tapestries MUCK.


Stellos was an amazing artist, it was a sad day for many to hear he passed. Still it's wonderful to see how many others he was able to inspire(I messed up editing my last comment that why I deleted it)


Yep, that's the one I was thinking of. :> There's also another one in the archive just called "ted.jpg" which is a pin-up pose of a hyper sized tiger. I'm guessing that's you as well?


Stellos was the first Hyper artist I ever encountered. Was an instant favourite.


Oh yeah, that one too. Forgot about that one. That's before I went equine down there. XD

Draco of Zeradaith

Stellos was one of the artists that certainly got my attention pointed to hyper. This is a charming and wonderful dedication to him <3


Absolutely stunning tribute


Dude this has been a favorite of mine for an.. irresponsible amount of time! Love the redux!


Looks like a fun time at a barn party. I love your take on it~


There's still room for one or two more...

pulsarbird (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 23:42:59 You'd fit on there, no problem ;>
2020-11-05 21:59:13 You'd fit on there, no problem ;>

You'd fit on there, no problem ;>