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As many of you know, I've been working for six+ months now at a local studio doing video production and animation. Over that time, I was hoping it would give me a chance to work more on my own projects in my free time, but—and I knew this would happen from experience but still thought maybe it wouldn't this time—putting all my creative energy into a day job left me with nothing to put into my artistic hobbies. I've still been drawing for Patreon fairly steadily. But it's been tough and I've been consistently burned out over the past few months. Doing any sort of "high" creative work has just been impossible.

This wouldn't necessarily be a problem if the day job was awesome and rewarding. It's not. In addition to the usual stress of the industry, the actual company I've been working for has some pretty serious issues. Without going into the details, I've reached a point where I know nothing is going to improve, and I'm not getting anything professionally out of it.

So this past week I put in my two weeks' notice. Starting in February, I'm going to be taking a step back from there and putting my effort back into this Patreon and commissions full time. Also the Patreon will be for porn again! I mean, it has been for the past two months or so, but it will be officially again. I'd also like to invest more time in it, maybe create a tier for animation and/or comics. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it because I've been so much happier and got so much more out of doing furry art full time vs. "real" professional work.

For those of you who've hung out and supported me here even when I was struggling with balancing my creative energies, thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I'm humbled to know so many friends and people like you who helped support me. I'm still amazed that this is a viable career path for me, and it's been super satisfying and just plain fun! 

I'll post another update soon when I know for sure when I'll be opening for commissions again. Cheers~ 



Just balance what you want to do with what you need to do. And try to stay optimistic. Love your art.


Your first priority should always be your well being and happiness, and by the sound of it exiting that job is the best thing you can do for yourself right now. *HUGS*


Woo! Forget those guys! So glad to hear you're dumping that crap.


Once again, congrats on doing what you feel is right! It's important you stand for what you enjoy.


Sucks to hear the job went downhill like that, but good outcome that it showed you where your passions thrive the most!


So sorry it didn't work out but things happen! You have people to help you out!


Always do what is best for ya birdie!

Ryan Mayer

Even if it wasn’t for you, I’m sure the experiences you gathered while there were invaluable!


Common mistake is to try sticking around and changing things from the inside, it rarely works if it's really messed up and is really set in as a unfortunate part of the working culture of the place. D: Not burning out is a good thing.

Kiing Darius

Sucks to hear about the job not working out, but a part of me is glad to hear you're back to porn full time (or at least for the time being.) had to stop my pledge for a bit but I was gonna join back next month and this is just more elm good news!

Griffon the Grizzly

My coworkers and I are in the same boat with our employer too, Pulsar. We have little tolerance left for miscommunication from management and frequent shift cancellations this past month. The latter has worried me financially and it was a factor in my birthday depression.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 23:59:32 Wonderful to hear! I'm so glad that the furry fandom is giving you the living that your hard work has earned! <3
2020-01-27 01:46:46 Wonderful to hear! I'm so glad that the furry fandom is giving you the living that your hard work has earned! <3

Wonderful to hear! I'm so glad that the furry fandom is giving you the living that your hard work has earned! <3