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Finally after several weeks of work I finished a beta version of my handwriting font! It's pretty fully functional for a beta release. It has every punctuation punctuation mark you can type on a regular American English keyboard plus a few extras (em-dash, bullet), smart quotes, and a few alternate characters for upper case.

Please download and let me know what you think!

I'm considering this version a beta because of the things I want to add to it yet. I mentioned before I want to make a version with thicker strokes that works better at smaller sizes. (It works pretty well to use the faux-bold switch in Photoshop to help beef it up a little.) I'd also like to add a few additional characters (foreign money symbols, maybe some common extra language characters), and also I'd like to create an alt for every character, even if they're subtle. So all the upper case letters would be slightly different from the lower case ones. In this version there are only a few that are different. (Hint: if you're typing and the letters don't seem to fit together well, try typing it in lower case instead. Lower case is sort of the 'default' which always works; upper case are the alt characters which work better at the beginning or ends of words.) And there are a few other odds and ends I'd like to tidy up.

Eventually I'll be releasing a free version, probably at the same time I release the for-sale version. I haven't decided yet what all the free / paid versions will contain, but it will be some variation of this I'll just call "Pulsar". But definitely play around with this in the meantime, and give me any feedback you might have.

Licensing: for personal use only, no commercial use. And for patrons only; please don't redistribute. Thanks!



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